"Daehwi it's not like that but you know that Jihoon and I were-"

"Jihoon again." Daehwi chuckles bitterly. "What's it with him that you couldn't find in me hyung? Being manly? I can work with that hyung. His rap and dancing? I'm close enough to that. Just tell me hyung, I'll do everything for you."  Daehwi knows he sounds desperate but that's because he really is. He have his time but it's running and there's not so much. If he didn't do anything then he should have just prepared himself to regret later.

"Daehwi you don't need to change a thing. You're perfect. You just need to find someone that is not me" Jinyoung said also standing up and this time finally holding the younger's hands. He make a move to hug the younger, to enveloped him with the love he can offer only for Daehwi to push him away.

"Not yet hyung. Give me time and I'll make you choose me" He said and started to walk to the door but Jinyoung grab his left hand again.

"Daehwi, please. I love Jihoon you can't do anything."

Daehwi pull his hand forcefully "Then I'll make him disappear." Daehwi thought but he guess he had said it out loud because the moment he opened the door he find their youngest member holding a glass of water looking at him in shock and almost angry.

Daehwi knows that Guanlin just happened to past by and not eavesdropping simply because he's not that kind of person. He just came in a wrong time.

Daehwi looks back at Jinyoung who have the same expression as Guanlin. Daehwi ignores them both and walk somewhere away from them. Of course he didn't meant that. There's not even a way to make his Jihoon-hyung gone in an instant and Daehwi didn't wish it to happen. He loves Jinyoung but it's not enough reason to think like that. He's just really upset and desperate and he pity himself for that.

Because of the want to get away from stress, Daehwi let his feet wonder to whatever place and that's when he found himself on the balcony. He walk near the fence, hugging himself from the cool breeze of the night. Not noticing that there's a person aside from him.

"You seems to be enjoying your time with Jinyoung" Daehwi look at his side to see Jihoon just plainly sitting on one of the single sofa, he had this mocking expression on his face.

"Why do you care?" Said Daehwi coldly matching the temperature of the night, averting his eyes back to the view of the earth.

"You still have the courage even when he already turned you down." Jihoon challenge.

Daehwi sighed. He gets where this coming from. He's probably listening to their conversation before. "I didn't know you're the kind to put your nose to where it should not belong hyung." Said Daehwi, obviously accepting what ever challenge Jihoon was throwing.

Jihoon scoffed, standing from where he was. "I am not Daewhi-ah. Jinyoung and I is something. I think it's you who's putting your nose where it should not belong."

Daehiw raise his brow. "Why hyung? Do you feel threatened by me?"

"What I'm saying is you should just give up Daehwi. Stop pushing yourself into him." Jihoon said, glaring at the younger.

"Didn't I said I'll fight for him a little longer hyung. Don't you think it's better to tell me that before than now? Or is it because Jinyoung-hyung is actually paying attention to me?"

Jihoon walk to him and gives Daehwi a fake tender look as if he's sympathizing but the annoying smirk on his lips says it all.

"Oh dear Daehwi, Jinyoung is only spending time with you because I told him so. Because he wanted to stay at least as your friend. You really think he's giving you a chance?" Jihoon said, as he cares the younger's dyed hair.

Daehwi slapped his hand away. Glaring at the older, his eyes gritting in anger. So maybe that's the reason but does Daehwi care? Yes he do but then he'll take that opportunity.

"If you're saying the truth, then I'll make you regret your decision hyung. It will backfire to you."

"He'll choose me Daehwi. There's nothing you can do. You'll never be put in his heart literally and figuratively." Jihoon said narrowing his eyes.

Daehwi raise his brow and a playful smirk covered his lips. "You only feel secured because you know that Jinyoung hyung feels committed to your nonexistent relationship."

Jihoon couldn't find a word to retort, he haven't think of that but the younger makes him realize it just now.

"What hyung? You know I am right? Let him go first hyung, then fight fair and square." Said Daehwi frowning at the older before he walk back inside the house.

Jihoon glared at Daehwi's retreating back. He can actually feel his plan coming back to him. Daehwi has a point, Jinyoung is only staying because he don't want to feel as if he's cheating. If that's the case then, Jihoon is more than willing to keep Jinyoung tied up to their relationship. If that makes him stay then he'll do it because when Jinyoung finally come to realize with his feelings, Jihoon knows there's nothing he can hold on to.

Note: I'm really sorry for slow and almost no updates. 😭 I'm trying really, but school is just too much. Maybe three more chapters and it's done. I'm about to just give up writing but the reads of this book makes me feel guilty. Please stay until the end. TT

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