15 Seconds of You

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I couldn't sleep. I tried drinking milk, counting sheep, praying the rosary ( I did it for like 5 rounds non-stop) but I still couldn't get myself to sleep.

It was useless so I just took out my phone.

2:55 AM.

Ha, bewitching hour my butt.

I tapped to check Instagram stories.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Damn, why is the internet connection in the Philippines this slow? Come on, it's not even raining.

I made side comments in my head as I watched short videos of people I follow because I'm too shy to actually send them a DM.

Oh that's a cute dog.


Oh my god I want a dog now!!



Sorry, I have a thing for dogs but the landlord doesn't allow pets. Hmph.


Ah, Chienna is so pretty. She doesn't even have to put a lot of effort.


Why is she listening to this song again?

It was Landslide by Oh Wonder.


Aww, that's a cute puppy.

My best friend's dog just gave birth in case you needed to know.


"Are you gonna post that?" asked the girl whose hand was covering the camera. I've heard that voice before.
"Nope. Just saving it," said Alex (yes, the Alex Diaz, the VJ Alex, the alexandermcdizz) who was the one behind the camera.
"Okaayyy! Hiiii!" The girl removed her hand from the camera and waved. I felt fireworks burst from my insides when I recognized Chienna.
"Hiiii," replied Alex.

The camera switched to front cam and they were making funny faces together. Chie reached for Alex's face and pulled his head closer so they were now cheek-to-cheek. Chienna puckered her lips while Alex did the same as they leaned closer.

The video ended with me breathing heavily and my thoughts scattered all over the place because I didn't know if they kissed or not. They were no longer a thing according to many so this was insane.

Am I dreaming? I pinched myself and let out a small squeal.

I went back to Alex's account to replay the story but it seemed to have been deleted in an instant.

Nevertheless, it was the best 15 seconds of my life. For now.



I obviously wrote that in 30mins because I couldn't sleep. Am I the only Chielex shipper alive? And that actually didn't happen but I wish it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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