A Date????

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Nothing made him more delighted than having a cup of tea and relaxation. It made him calm and it was an excellent way to settle down after a day of work. He got up, and made himself a cup of tea and some low sugar cookies. He sat back down and turned on the TV. Just as soon as he sat down, the doorbell rang.
"Huh. Who could that be? It's 7:00."
He sighed as he went to the door, his eyes filled with drowsiness.
"Would you let me in already? I've never seen anybody this slow."
"Baldi?" He asked, as he opened the door. In front of him stood a man, in a green turtle neck sweater, and jeans. "What are you doing here so late? Aren't you supposed to be grading-" Baldi put a finger on his mouth, and shushed him. "Would you shut up already? I can't get a word out of my mouth without you talking over me." The Principal blushed, and muttered a quick 'sorry' before inviting him inside. Baldi rolled his eyes as he took a glimpse of his home. "Nice place, I guess." The Principal nodded.

His home was filled with pictures of nature and soft, dark colors. It looked like a very comfortable home, and was decorated with fancy looking objects that looked too expensive to put inside a house. In fact, how did he afford all this junk? It seemed all too expensive.
"How did you afford all this junk? Not that I'm complaining. It all looks really nice."
"You really think so? I thought you'd hate it." The Principal blushed.
"Yes, I thought it was nice. Now would you please stop blushing all the time?" Baldi crossed his arms, a light blush on his face. "Now, I'd like to get started on the reason why I came here. I'm pretty sure you already knew this, but the school is holding a prom at the end of the year, which isn't far from now."
"Oh, well, yes! I helped-"
"I don't care. Let me finish." The Principal looked down, hiding his blush. Why did he like it so much when he commanded him to do something? His thoughts were interrupted.
"Yes, and I was wondering you would want to go with me."
"What?!" The Principal stammered, hiding his blush. "Why me? You could go with Summer!"
"Summer isn't attractive to me. She's too kind and fragile."
"And I'm not?"
"No, you're not." Baldi replied, he put his hands on his shoulders. "Please. Come with me. Make me... happy?"
He didn't know what to say. It all hit him so fast. Go with him? Why did he choose him? Why did Baldi decide he was going to choose him out of everyone he could've picked? He was blushing now. Oh, god, he was blushing and Baldi hated that. He looked up at him, and saw that he was blushing, looking away from him and at the ground.
"Alright, I'll go with you. But our feelings still are neutral?"
Baldi nodded. "Yes. Our feelings for each other will say the same. Nothing more, nothing less. Good night, Principal." He walked off, his brown shoes made a clacking noice on the pavement. He didn't want him to go. He wanted to tell him he wanted to take things farther. But he had no time. He was sure Baldi didn't have the same feelings as him. He shoved his hands in his pockets and blushed. He was going to the dance with the one he loved, and he couldn't be happier.

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