The doors were finally wide enough to fit myself through. I shuffled/ran through to opening sideways, having to suck in my breath.

I finally reached the other side. I scrambled to her side. She had a few cuts, and a couple bruises, but she was breathing. Relieve flooded my system, and I let out a breathy laugh.

She was alive.

"I'm right here, Love," I murmured as I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. The other boys soon ran up to us. Her delicate frame seemed so breakable, so fragile.

"Is she alive?" Asked Minho, who knelt next to me.

I nodded as I stood up and held her bridal style.

I heard Thomas and Alby let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but we need to get her to the medjacks. I have a weird feeling about all of this."

As I carried her into the glade, she began to stir.

My heart swelled with love and relief but broke at the sigh of her beaten body.

Her eyes opened. She glanced at me then looked around. "What-what happened?" Her voice was meek and rough.

I spoke in a gentle voice. "I don't know, Love. We just found you laying unconscious by the maze doors."

She went to speak, but I shushed her. "You can tell us what happened later. You need your rest."

She listened. Closing her eyes, she nestled closer to me.

We approached the Homestead. Up in the Medjack room, I placed her down on a bed as Thomas and Minho ran to get Clint and Jeff.

Seconds later, they ran into the room and began to patch her up.

"How did she get these if she didn't get stung?" Clint asked, cleaning one of her cuts.

"Well, I don't bloody know. We can ask her when she wakes up. But right now, she needs to sleep. It's a wonder she's alive."

Silence overtook the room as the boys nodded in agreement.

Something didn't seem right. What would I hear her scream, see her be scratched up, but she was by the maze doors? She was too smart to stay there. Something was up.

Once she was patched up and we were sure she was gonna be okay, Thomas and Minho left the room to go to the map room. There wasn't enough time to get to the maze today.

I sat by she side, letting her sleep. Clint and Jeff eventually left after they were satisfied with their work.
Clint gave me a short nod as he closed the door behind him.

I took a seat in the chair beside the bed. Somehow, even after spending a night in the maze, she was as beautiful as always. I wanted to just scooped her up in my arms so I could keep her safe for ever. But, she needed to just recuperate.

The morning seemed to drag on as she slept. At one point, I opened the window behind the bed to let some fresh air in.

After three hours, she began to stir again.

She slowly rolled on her other side, facing me. Her eyes fluttered opens. When they landed on me, she gave a weak smile. "Hi," she croaked.

"Hey, Love," I said, inching my chair closer to the bed. Placing a hand on her arm, I asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Like a piece of klunk."

"I bet."

Silence filled the room. Only the sound of the working gladers was audible. I sighed, the stood up.

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now