Aloha - Steve McGarrett (Hawaii 5-0)

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The two of you stared at each other for a long stretch of silence. "Chin was kicked off the force because he was suspected of taking bribes. Did you know that?"

He nodded once, a tight movement. "I know. He didn't do it."

You knew he didn't, but you were trying to prove a point. "What makes you so sure?"

"My father trusted him. And he says he didn't do it. I believe him."

A new rush of anger went through you at his words. "Because you know him so well? John trusted me. But when I told you it wasn't what you thought you said the worst things to me. Do you remember what you said, Steve? Because I remember every word."

"What do you want me to say? That you're forgiven? That I'm over it? I'm sorry but I can't do that."

You dropped your head as more tears ran down your cheeks. Your heart ached but you didn't have it in you to make him see the truth. You didn't think you should have to try so hard. You walked over to him and held out the keys for the shipping containers. "There's a dot of color on the locks and the keys so you can match them up. It's all yours. The task force was supposed to be mine, but you took that, too. It's fine, though. Good luck."

You didn't look up the entire time you spoke and when he took the keys from you, you stepped past him to leave. He grasped your arm to stop you. You turned your head but did your best not to let him see you were crying. You didn't want him to know he still held that much power over you.

"What do you mean it was yours? You haven't been a cop for years."

You huffed a laugh and pulled out your badge, flipping it open so he could see. "Lieutenant, actually. Don't go spreading that around though. I have a reputation to uphold." You shook his hand off and walked outside.

Chin tried to stop you and you brushed him aside as you climbed in your truck. Once you were safely inside where no one could see you, you let yourself cry. You pressed a hand against your chest as if that would ease the ache though you knew better. You angrily wiped your tears away and pulled out your phone to call the governor.


Two days later you responded to a call for help from Chin. Danny and Steve apparently did not blend in as well with the local street scene as they thought they would. Idiots. You met Chin and Kono outside the warehouse where the other two officers were being held. "You call for backup yet?" you asked.

Chin just looked at you as he handed you an ear piece.

"I meant besides me, idiot." You secured the communications device in your ear.

Kono chuckled and smirked. "HPD is further back, waiting to move on our call. We didn't want to spook them."

You sighed. "Yeah. Stay here. I'll get them out."

"Are you sure about this?" Chin asked.

You adjusted your gun in the holster, making sure the strap was off so you could draw the weapon quickly. "If you would have just told me this is who you were after I could have walked you in the front door," you answered without looking at him. "Don't come in unless I shoot something." You held up a hand to tell them to stay while you moved around to the front of the building. You pounded on the metal door.

The thug that answered looked you over. "What do you want?"

Arching a brow, you frowned at the man. "I'm here to see Sam."

"Mr. Rivera is busy at the moment."

You made a small noise of agreement before drawing your gun and pointing it at his head. "Back up, dickless." He stepped back, hands up in a placating gesture. You followed him into the dimly lit building, shutting the door behind you.

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