Child of the Primodial

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Long there has been tales of the begotten son: the son that is his own father, the first and the last of all luminaries; the God Sun. So it is that there is a son, there is also a daughter. Twins they are. She was the first and last of all luminaries; the God Moon. Just as it is said that the son dwells in the house of the father, the daughter can be said to dwell in the house of the mother; yet still the daughter is the kin of the father. In like, she is also the kin of the mother. The daughter is the product of the first union of the Great Mother and Great Father while the son was begotten through a virgin. The son took upon himself, the name of the father and dwelt only in his father's house. The daughter being of the union of the two great ones, took upon herself the names of both the father and mother; she dwelt in both houses in part. The son only knowing one house knew his sister as being from the house of The Mother. The daughter being of two houses cares for her mother's house and her father's house alike, the son cares only for one. The countenance of the siblings was never one of opposition since no opposites exist in life and they were of the living. But they were indeed different, the son knowing only one house became a wanderer, an adventurer. The daughter knowing many houses was wise in the ways of worlds and rather to look for things to come, things that have not yet been.

With the gift of sight that is bestowed from the house of the father, the daughter saw into things that have yet to be made manifest. Her father's house was of the light and with what it bestowed, her brother saw all things that was and is. Being that the house of the mother was dark and of the void, the daughter got the gift to hear all things therein. She could listen from within the void and hear all things and yet still she could hear even more. She could hear the stirring of things beyond the void and the rattling in her father's house. In her departure from either of the houses, with her gifts the daughter could be summoned forth by cries and wailings for her ears are the keenest of all things. It is the coming of the daughter in these times of bemoaning and lamentation that she becomes victory for the wailers. So it is that the wailers may call her Victoria, Oshun, Nike, Oba – she goes by many names as it is with the children of the primordial ones.

The Great Mother (Amunet/Mut) in eternal union with The Great Father (Amun-Ra/Keb) together are called upon as one by the name of Amu or Kemu

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The Great Mother (Amunet/Mut) in eternal union with The Great Father (Amun-Ra/Keb) together are called upon as one by the name of Amu or Kemu. They begat the twin Sin and Nanna, the sun and moon; the son dwelt only in the house the father had built, the daughter dwelt in both the house her father built and the one her mother built. So it is that the daughter Akemu is deemed the twice born for she was of two houses, she was indeed a product of the union of Amunet (Great Mother) and Amun-Ra (Great Father). The son, being of only one house is said to be born of a virgin, the son and the father are said to be one. Akemu being of the house of her mother is sometimes called the Daughter of Primordial Chaos. When the daughter dwells in the house of her father she is called Aten, the light of Ra. Although she did not burn like the fires of her brother for he dwelt in the house of his father alone, Aten shone brightly still for she was of the house of her father – a house of light, a house of the luminaries. Aten was the rays of the sun, her brother the fire. When the daughter dwell in the house of the mother she is called Anuket, the waters of Net. Within her mother's house, Anuket is surrounded by all the primordial waters and with it she nourishes all things, she is the waves of the sea. Those that traverse the depths call upon her as Atar. She illuminates things above as Aten and below as Atar. The daughter gives light when the sun is on high and when it has gone below, she illuminates dark waters and nourishes it, she who is twice born and dwell in two houses, it is she they also call Atemu.

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