Chapter Two

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Well come to find out that girl that had me in a trance is in my english class for the past two weeks..., she sits in the front, and I can't help but want to talk to her but find I can't. Every time her icy eyes meet mine I fall back into my chair and find i can't breath. She's breath taking gorgeous. everytime I sit back down though I see a glimmer of dissapointment hit her eyes and she looks away. I feel as if sometimes she's trying to dare me to come over. 

I sigh through my nose as I bring my attention back to my english book, I don't even know her name...I know her last name is Glade, but her first name is unknown to me...I look back at my ginger headed english teacher as he talks about the book 'Of Mice and Men'. He was the favorite teacher this year, funny, energetic, go to attitude. his name is Mr. Frey. I sat in the second row right behind Drew, we always talked and I guess this year round we became friends since now we see each other every day and talk to one another frequently. He always makes fun of me for the little crush i have on 'Glade'. 

I look to Drew, with the yellow hair and smile as I see him on his phone...typical Drew. I bite my lip as i take my pencil and throw it at his head hitting him perfect I surpress any giggles by covering my mouth with my hand. his head snaps up and he whips around glaring at me, diamond earings glittering slightly as it did. I wink at him, and of course he takes my book and drops it on the floor, before trurning around and looking at his phone once again. I shake my head thanking god this was a light book and leaned down to pick it up, when i do, I feel eyes on me. I look up slightly my hair I wore down in my face as i swallowed thickly looking at her....Glade wore her hair in a high pony tail giving her self a high elf look. she looked at me calmly, I felt as if everything was blurry except for her, she wore a red long sleve shirt and a black scarf, her skinny jeans were black as weel, and she wore red boots, her perfect plump lips painted the same red color. I looked into her eyes bits of red danced around in them. I felt like I couln't move let along breathe. I felt myself getting pale but i still felt a blush creep over my cheeks. 

"Jones?" I heard Mr. Frey say and I gasped for air slighgtly sitting up straight, Glade looked as if she hadn't moved, as if she had never stared at me. I looked at my teacher and shook my head. "Are you alright?" he asked rasing an eyebrow. I nodded slowly and looked down. I hadn't noticed the stare I was getting from drew, or everyone for that matter I looked up at him. 

"What the fuck?" he mouthed, I shook my head and proceded to whisper. 

"She was staring at me." I said quitely. Drew tilted his head and then shook his head. 

"No she wasn't Mr. Frey was talking to her..." he whispered back, I widened my eyes and shook my head. "I think maybe you like this girl too much Sammi..." he grabbed the back of my head gently and laid it down on the desk "Sleep child." he whispered creepily. 

I snorted quietly in ammusemnt as he took his hand away and turned in his chair. I kept my head down though and moved my arm to be my pillow. I swore she was watching me was so wierd. I couldn't possibly be imagining things could I? 


 The bell finally rang signifying it was the end of the day and i could go home, I scrambled out of class and smiled walking down the hall way head looking down as I walked. Hair in my face, curly, I had decided to wear a blue flowy dress today for some reason unknown to me, I guess I just wanted to look a little pretty.

 I sighed, another day waisted in this hell hole, high school very unnessary and unneeded, can't we just learn at home? I shake my head slightly as i kept walking until I bumped into someone. My face went red as I looked up meeting the eyes of Glade. Everything went in slow motion for me as I looked over her pale face in admiration. her eyes weren't blue anymore I took notice of that first. her eyes were a deep grey, no blue or red specks seen in her eyes, Glade didn't look to good either, her eyes held dark bags under then and she looked skinny to skinny, paler than usual. I was slightly worried. 

"I'm sorry..." I said softly, s;lowly as i bvrought my gaze down though i was checking her out I didn't want her to take notice of that. she shrugged. she took a big breath in and sighed. 

"It's fine..." she said slowly. her voice seemed dull and lifeless. "You're...Samantha right?" she asked and I nodded looking at her, she had a small smile on her face a weak one. "I'm Emily.." she said, before I could say another word she was gone leaving me alone to think about what just happened. 

"Well I saw that.." Megan said coming to me startling me out of my daze. I look to her and smile some blushing, Megan didn't smile at all though. 

"I dont like her.." she said suddenly, i furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. 

"Why not?" I asked slowly, she shrugged. 

"have you not seen the looks she gives me?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "Her attitude screams bitch." she said patting my shoulder and walking off. I looked at her as she walked away. I glanced at her tattoo. "I play at night" was written in cursive on her neck in a deep purple. I shook my head and made my way out the door to head home. 

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