Info & Stuff

56 4 13


Hello, everyone.

In case you skipped the title and description, this is a book for writing lessons from yours truly.

Some lessons will be in this book.  The ones in this book are for anyone, and will be chosen by me.  Most lessons, however, will be given through PM/DM/whatever else you people call it.

Types of Writing This Will Have Lessons On

My best areas of writing are fanfiction and original fanfiction.  I'm more limited in other areas, though most stuff can be tweaked a bit to apply to multiple areas of writing.  In other words, I'm best at fanfiction and original fiction, but lessons on things like nonfiction, script, comedy/humor stuff, and more can (and probably will) be included.

I will include tips and lessons on all types of Point Of View (POV).  Second person is my least favourite and the one I'm weakest on, but I will still help out on that one.

What I Won't Include Lessons On

First off, they're free.  So I will not charge you for lessons.

Second of all, I can only give lessons in English.  I'm sorry about this.  I'm interested in learning other languages, but I have yet to actually learn more than a couple words in any other language.

Last but not least, I will not include lessons on anything that isn't relating to creative writing.  If it's not writing and isn't important for you to write it will not be included.  However, if it isn't writing but is related to writing and the lesson itself, then sure.

So some examples...

Let's say you're working on grammar and you ask me what x is in  8(2y×4²/37)(37x×3+2)=10y+x

There is no way I will do something like that without having to.  I am not doing that kind of math in the summer.  No way.  Never.  I would rather die.  If I were actually dream more often, I'd probably have nightmares of that kind of thing.  Just... No.

But if you're in, like, fifth grade, but you have a character in 9th that's supposed to solve that same question...

I-I...I'd probably...I-I'd probably help you out.  As much as I don't want to do that.  As much as I freaking hate that.  *a song I like turns on and my tension starts to dissipate*

Things to Keep in Mind and Also Some Warnings

First off, I am 13 and a rising 9th grader (Edit: Now 14 and in 9th grade).  I will not know everything and I still have a lot of room to improve.  I'm happy to help you out, but this will probably be as much a learning experience for me as it is for you.

Second of all, I have many different writing styles.  My stories aren't really the best way to find out what they are, since I've definitely improved since I wrote a lot of them, and I also need to edit them.  Oh, and also because autocorrect is freaking annoying.  But you should probably read some of my stories before asking for lessons anyway, because you can probably see the general ways I write from them.

Third, if I ever seem to be unusually irritable or anything, you can choose to have the lesson another time.  I don't mean to blow up at anyone or be really irritable, and it's (probably) not your fault if I am.  It's most likely a combination of things like how my day went (life) and internal stuff (like emotions... *shudders*).

Fourth, I may reference books and stuff when talking about writing styles and stuff.  If you haven't read it, then I'll try to avoid giving spoilers.  I also might talk about sensitive subjects, as most people who read my stories probably already know.

Lastly, taking lessons with me increase your risk of getting Evil Author Syndrome.  The name is very self explanatory, but also slightly misleading.  It says "Author," but anyone that regularly uses their imagination and creativity can get this.  If you don't want to risk getting this, then you probably should avoid taking lessons from me.


So there's a form for private lessons.  It's really just three questions you have to answer in the comments. Here it is...

1) What do you what your lesson to be?
2) Have you read the the whole "Info & Stuff" chapter?
3) Do your PM/DM/whatever you call it (I'm going to call it PM for now on) actually work?  If not, so you have an alternative way of communication, like an email?

I will PM you if I accept to give you lessons.  I'll probably just say something like "Hey! You requested a lesson!" Or something.  Make sure that in your reply to my PM you contain what I should call you.  Alternatively, you can include what I should call you with the answers to the questions.

Anyway, bye!

So yeah... That's it.  Bye peoples!


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