Chapter 2: I Will Protect You

Start from the beginning

Micheal grunts then pulls his arms up and blocks Evan punches, "Fucking machine, stay out of this, this don't involve you." he shouts at him, but then he gasp, his punches stop and Micheal then looks at him as Evan then jerked and falls on his side and there stood Marian with a knife in her hand. Micheal pulls away from Evan as she was panting then she looks down at Evan, rage in her eyes and then she saddles him and stabs him repeatably in the chest. "Fucking asshole! Cocksucker! Woman-beater! You don't owe me! I am free! I am free! I am free!" she shouts repeatably at him in the face as he then went limp. Micheal crawls to her and pulls her off. "Mari, Mari, Mari! Stop, stop! He's dead. he's dead." he tells her.

She stops and looks down at the body, the knife fall from her hand as she was crying. He held her in his arms and comforted her "Shh, shh, shh. You're okay. You're safe now." he tells her, but she shook her head at him. "No, I'm not. I just killed someone and you're going to get blamed for it." she whimpers. He nods at her and looks around. "We have to leave, gather whatever we need and leave. Now," he tells her, but she just looks at him, then reaches out to him, pressing her fingers in his blood, then she wrote above him in three words. Micheal then pulls her to her feet and turns her to him "Mari, we have to run." he tells her, she looks up at him, seeing that his eyes were different. Then she nods at him "Go get dressed and I'll gather the food you'll need." he informs her. He nods at him again and then ran into her room.

He then turns to the kitchen and then hurried, taking out all the food that she will need on the road. He then hurried into the laundry room, looking for her bag. But couldn't find it. But he found her messenger bag and then took it, hurrying into the kitchen and scoops the food into the bag and closes it shut. Then Marian steps outside and was dressed in a black tank-top, dark blue jeans, boots, a plaid shirt over it and a jacket over as her hair was back in a braid, but she was in such a rush that she couldn't wash away the blood that flew onto the side of her neck or her face. He looks at her as she looks at him.

They both nodded at each other and then he looks down at himself. "I can't go around, looking like this," he states then hurried into the room. She looks through some of her old stuff and found some of her brother's clothing, then hurried. He pulls off the android attire and then pulls on the white shirt, slips on the jeans, then pulls on the socks. Then ties on the Romeos. Then he pulls on the plaid shirt then the heavy jacket. But then he found two beanies and grabs them.

Micheal steps out of the room and jogs up to Marian as she was frigging nervously. He turns her around and she faces him. "Here, wear this," he tells her, placing the beanie on her head. Securing it in place, he then places the other on his head as well and they both looked at each other and nod "Let's go." he tells her, taking her hand. She nods at him and they step over the dead body and hurried out of the apartment. They took the stairs down, so they wouldn't run into anyone. Then they step outside into the back and then they hurried through the alley, they both looked around and they saw the bus was coming. They both ran to the bus as it was stopping, then the door opens and they hurried onto the bus and they walk down the aisle and then took their seats.

They both sat their panting as they both realize what they have done. Then Micheal looks over at Marian as she was shaking. He then grips her hand tightly and she looks up at him, "I'm going to keep you save, Mari. No one is ever going to hurt you again." he tells her, she just looks at him, then exhales and lays her head against his shoulder. He lays his head against hers and hums softly to her.


November 5th 2038 9:42 pm

Markus, Carl and Madison exited the taxi car and then entered the house. "Good evening Carl, welcome back." the house greets him. Madison smiles as she then took off her coat "That was by far the most boring party I've been to in the last 25 years." Carl states, Madison giggles as she places both her coat and umbrella up "Everytime I go to one of these things, I ask myself." he states. "What the hell am I doing here." Madison states as Markus walks up to her and she took the umbrella and then his coat. "You use to complain about the parties when I was a kid. It was funny, a lot better than a glass of warm milk." she states and Carl chuckles a little at her as she places the coat up and the umbrella away. "I hate cocktail parties and all the schmoozers that go there." he states and shrugs off his coat. "Well, there's a chance that all those people who admire your work to meet you." Markus informs him and then took his coat. "Yeah, yeah, yea. No one give a damn about art." Carl states.

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