Friends or lovers?

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Rainbowdashs POV
Ugh I did not sleep at all!! I was up all night thinking of fluttershy and me, I mean her soft voice and smooth hair and soft touch and she's so cute when she blushes and not like I have photos of her hehehehehehhehe. Oh shit I'm late for school!
At Equestria high school
I'm actually not late I'm right on time. After i walk in I start to look around. When I find fluttershy I yell "hey flutters" she turns around and sees me she starts to come to me but rarity comes in front of her and she says "oh rainbowdash where were you. Are you hurt?" I push rarity to the side and I run towards fluttershy and when I get to her I ask her if she would like to have a sleepover at my place and she said "aw..well yes b..but Angel actually n...never mind I'll j..just c..come" I hug fluttershy very tight .
"So then I'll See you after school" I said fluttershy responded with "o..okay"
After school
I get on my phone and text fluttershy.
Fluttershy my crush
What's up shy
Just feeding
Cool I'm eating
Pick me up
Now ok
So I go outside and start to walk to Fluttershys.
————————————————————I'm sorry that it was so short, next time I'll make it longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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