{36} The DarkMark

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A scream tore itself from his chest and I curled my hands into fists, nails digging into his flesh as the boy fell to the ground, clutching his arm desperately. Nagini slithered towards me, until she was curled up right next to me, her cool scales touching my cool skin.

Draco screamed and cried for what felt like hours, but was only mere minutes.


My head snapped up.

"Yes father?"

"Take care of him, will you? Bring him to your room." My father said stiffly, and I immediately knew he knew that right there, Draco's writhing body on the ground as he screamed and cried. It bothered me.

He was allowing me to relax too.

"Of course." I said quickly, making my way towards the shivering boy.

"Wait! Shouldn't I-"

"No." My father cut off Narcissa, leaning back in his throne like chair. "My daughter will take good care of our new Death Eater. I'm calling a meeting, in fact, I believe I will have Draco stay the night here. Monitor him, make sure nothing went wrong. Onyx will take care of the boy, come. I'm calling a meeting."

And with that my father whisked the two Malfoy's away, leaving me to myself and Draco.

With a small sigh, I leaned down and placed my hands on the boy's stomach, before apparating to my room I'd be sharing with the boy, who now lay in my bed. He was trembling, his eyes glued shut.

I thought back to my experience in receiving the mark, the pain I felt. Where the pain was located.

I closed my eyes and a damp cloth appeared in my arms, and I slowly kneeled down next to my bed, my fingers pulling Draco's hand away from the reddened skin. I placed the cloth against his arm, and to my surprise his eyes snapped open and I flinched back. "I-"

"Quiet down Draco." I murmured, placing the cloth back on the now more normal looking skin. "I'm helping."

"But- why? I-"

"My father ordered me to." I said plainly, looking back at the boy. "But I also received my mark once too, you know. It hurt like a bitch, so I'm doing the things to you that I wish someone did to me."

"Why are you being so nice?" He whispered. "You are Onyx Riddle, the Dark Lords daughter. Onyx literally means black, or darkness."

"I don't hate you, Draco. And I do not think I'm better then anyone." I left the cloth on his rest and handed him a glass of water. "I was innocent and pure once too. I dreamed of becoming an auror once in my life. I didn't want to be the dark lords daughter. The queen of the death eaters. That's not me."

"Then why don't you fight it?" He tilted his head, his blue eyes staring into my own.

"Why don't you?"

I stood back up and cleaned off my desk, my eyes locking onto the mirror so I could look at Draco. "My father plans on the two of us marrying."

"Is that bad?"

"Depends." I murmured, sitting down on the bed next to Draco Malfoy. "You're gonna want to keep that mark cool for at least 24 hours, otherwise it'll heat up and hurt like a bitch again."

"Thank you." He whispered, peaking at the inked arm. "It looks dreadful.."

"It'll be there forever." I whisper back, revealing my own mark, however, mine had bits of green in it like my fathers, since we were the main death eaters. "An ugly scar."

"We can share it." He whispered, aligning his arm with mine. "Our ugly scars."

I let out a laugh, looking towards the blonde haired boy. "No Draco, I do not think us being promised to each other his a bad thing. My mother would love you."

"Your mum?"

"She died giving birth to me." I murmured, turning away from him. "I never knew her, but my dad used to tell me stories about her. Until he went absolutely bonkers, then that was the end of that."

"I think she'd be proud of you Onyx." Draco said softly, wrapping his arms around me. Hugging me. I've never been hugged before, so I was confused when I found myself wrapping my own arms around his torso.

"Thank you, Draco Malfoy."

"Anytime, Onyx Riddle." He chirped, pulling away from my grip and laying flat on my bed, the cloth still on his arm.

Oh Draco, if only you'd understand the pain you will be feeling. I can't allow you to like me at all. I'm doomed, cursed, defected. You name it. I'll destroy you in ways you never even knew existed, I'll promise you that boy.

I am a Riddle.

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz