Chapter One: The Guilty, The Officer, The Victim

Start from the beginning

He looks through his data, prepares lunch while Marian takes a shower. He walks to the cupboards and opens it, he looks through it and saw that there were a few options. He would grab her favorite, but he wanted to give her a healthy lunch. So he grabs the pasta. Then closes the cupboard and places the package onto the counter, then pulls out a pot and fills it with water, then turns the Faust off and places the pot on the stove and then was now boiling the water. He then took the package and began to cook the meal. He followed the instruction to the last word and made the perfect meal.

Then Marian steps out of the shower, refreshed and dressed in casual clothing. A red long-sleeved shirt, black slacks and was barefooted. Micheal smirks at her as she was drying off her hair. "Lunch is almost ready," he informs her, she nods at him and walks to her room, throwing her towel in the hamper, then walks back to the bathroom and starts to try her damp hair. Micheal then finishes cooking and then pulls out a plate and then places the food on the plate in a neat order and then walks over to the table and places the plate down. He then walks over and to the draw and then pulls out the draw. Pulling out the fork and then closes the drawer and grabs a napkin. Marian then steps out of the bathroom, with her hair in a messy bun as she walks into the kitchen. "Pasta?" she asks him. He smiles at her "Perfect to expand your life-span." he jokes, she rolls her eyes and giggles at him.

She then walks to the table, as Micheal provided her the chair, she smiles at him and sat down in the chair, he then scooted it in, then places the napkin on her lap. She thanks him, he nods at her and stood next to her with his hands folded behind his back. She smiles and turns to him, "You are allowed to sit down, Micheal." she informs him. He just looks down at her and smiles "I know, but I thought it best to stay close." he answers her, she smiles at him. "That's very thoughtful of you, Micheal. But please I insist," she states, he shook his head, knowing that she was stubborn. He then walks over to the side of the table, pulls out a chair and sat down next to her. She smiles at him began to eat, he was watching her eat and couldn't help but smile. -She has more color in her skin. Finally able to smile. I hope he never returns here again.- he states as he looks away and clutches his fists. But calms down as he continues to watch Marian eat her lunch.

But then there was a knock on the door, both of their heads shot up. Fear returns to Marian's eyes as she quickly got out of her chair, but Micheal shot to his feet and took her shoulders and calms her down. "Mari. It's me, Evan." a man calls out. She steps back and her back was pressing against the wall. "Mari, you should go hide. I will handle this," he informs her, she nods at him and then ran to her room and locks the door. Micheal then walks down the hall and then walks to the door. He reaches out and then opens it. There stood Even, his dirty blonde hair was hidden under the black beanie he has, a button-up shirt, with a plaid jacket over it and a thick jacket over that one, plain jeans, and Romeos.

Micheal wanted to glare at him but he kept a blank stare. But Evan just glares at him "Fucking Android. Where is she?" he questions him, "Ms. Greymore is not in right now and she will not return for a while." he answers him. Evan glares at him, then shoves him to the side as he marches inside. "Mari? Mari! Come out, I know you're here!" he shouts in the apartment, Micheal walks forward as the lens on the side of his head turns yellow. "She is not in," Micheal informs him again, Evan just glares at him. "And not to mention, Ms. Greymore had ordered a restraining order on you, knowing how violent and abusive you can become." he reminds him and then Evan marches up to him. "You listen here, you fucking piece of plastic. This is between me and her. Your option on the matter uses not matter. You're. Not. Real." he growls and shoves him back, Micheal stumbles back, the lens then turns red.

He catches himself and stood his ground. Evan went to hit him, but Marian then steps out of her room. "Stop!" she shouts and they both looked at her. "Really, threatening this piece of trash is the only way I can get to see you?" he questions her, she glares at him, but her body was trembling with fear. "What do you want, Evan?" he questions her, he then steps closer to her, making her step back. "Why did you break up with me, Mari? We were so good, so perfect together," he states, but she just glares at him. "Perfect? Good? You abused me, you beat me, treated me like a toy, you never let me go out and hang out with my friends. You even got mad at me every-time I voiced my own opinion, then slap me every time I said no to you." she shouts at him.

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