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There once was a time where the world made sense. Whether or not I was old enough to know the difference, I'll never know. I can't even remember what I ate yesterday. I can't remember anything lately. My parents have been taking me to this therapy place in Baltimore. They thinks it's just a phase, or it's an illness coming on.
But you know, it's hard not to be depressed when you're beat up almost daily in college. When your mom goes to work and your dad touches you. When your parents argue. When you're failing your grades. When you have no friends. When you're too afraid to ask for help.
But sometimes I like to think back. To when everything made sense. Back to when I was three or four, and I always had spaghetti on my face somehow. Or applesauce. I was so full of wonder and excitement that, when something went wrong, I didn't care. I didn't blame myself. I was just a walking chubby hyperactive potato that screamed a lot.
And now look at me.
Ugly. Too skinny. Too short. Not good enough.
And everything is my fault.

I roll myself out of bed and I get dressed. Just another day.
I get dressed and I do my makeup.
Looking almost human, I hop down the stairs and I quickly walk passed my parents, hoping to get out the door before they noticed I was there.
"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" My mother asks lovingly. "Your father is just cooking breakfast. I'm sure it won't hurt to sit down and eat with your family."
God damn it all to hell.
"Yeah, you're right. Sure mom." I sit down at the table, shopping my knapsack off my shoulder and placing it by my feet.

After a long, boring breakfast, I stand up and I put my plate in the sink, running hot water over the surface. I hear my parents kiss and I hear my mother tell him to have a good day at work.
"I love you, (Y/N)!" My mum shouts, opening the front door.  Before I can say 'I love you' back to her, the front door slams shut—and I know that my dad is probably already making his way over to me.
Just as I feel his rough hands snake around my hips, and his chin rests on my shoulder, I just stand there holding the plate. Staring into oblivion as his fingers twirl around an area that he will never touch again.
Anger suddenly swells up in me, and I slowly slide my hand to the knives, while my father is occupied with kissing and biting at my neck. Just as I wrap my fingers around the biggest one, I hear a shatter, and my father slumps to the ground. I whip around, knife still in hand, and I see my moms plate, not yet cleaned, shattered about on the floor. My father's eyelids twitching. As I step over him, his eyes open and he winces, clutching the back of his head.

I sprint for the door and I slam it shut behind me, pressing my back against it and catching my breath.
Then realization washes over me.
The plate was on the table... Father never picked it up. How the fuck did it hit him?
And before I had gotten to finally cut his disgusting fingers off.

The school day was mostly me being in-and-out. Daydreaming, or falling asleep at my desk. And that... is when it all started.

Y/N's POV—Dream
I look up from my desk to see a man walk in through the front door. His hair was dark and wild, his eyes a glowing blue. He's rather tall, and his face looks kind, and sweet. He walks through the maze of desks and chairs, over to where I sit. I look around. All the students are gone. So is my English teacher. The man crouches down in front of me. Shockingly, I don't feel any fear. Am I asleep?
"Hey there. I uh... I'm D-Dan."
I feel like I've seen this guy before. But from where?
"I'm (Y/N)... Do I um... K-Know you? From somewhere?" I ask quietly.
"Not really. We've never properly met. Just... in this place." He says, looking around.
"Er... My college?"
He laughs.
"No, you goober. In this... Dream sequence thing. Whatever it is." He says, gazing into my eyes.
"We've met before in here? When?" I ask.
He shakes his head.
"Not from your side. But from my side. When you fall asleep, I fall asleep seconds later, and—... we end up meeting somewhere. The last time we met, I had... kinda... followed you home." He says, ashamed. I shake my head.
"So, you were there when the plate hit my dad?"
He presses his lips into a hard line.
"I was kind of the one who hit him over the head with it. I couldn't bear seeing him touch you like that, and the way you were grabbing for the knife was... Sinister, to say the least. I couldn't bring myself to let you do something that could get you into trouble."
A silence falls over us for a few minutes.
"But I wasn't asleep at that point. How did you—...?"
"If I am asleep, I can... kind of enter your side while you are awake. I don't know how or why, but I can. And I don't question it. If I wasn't able to do that, how would I have stopped your father from... escalating things?"
He has a point.
The bell rings.
"Shit! You have to wake up. I need to give you something," he pulls a sheet of paper out of my notebook and takes my pen out of my hand, and begins to scribble something out.
He sticks it in my pocket and looks into my eyes, holding my hands in his.
"Remember me when you wake up. I'll be waiting."

I jolt awake to the sound of the bell ringing again. I groan, running a hand through my hair and running the same hand down my cheek. Fuck! I missed half the class. Well, more confusing homework for me I guess.
I stand up, tossing my knapsack over my shoulder and heading for the door. I feel a breeze brush passed me, and I look back into the classroom, to my desk. What?

I turn and exit the room, walking down the hall and to the two big glass doors at the front of the school. I push through the doors and I take a deep breath of fresh air. It's chilly today. I zip up my coat and I wrap my scarf around my neck and over the lower half of my face. I stuff my hands into my pockets and I start walking, pulling out a folded up piece of paper.
I need you to meet me in the park tonight at 10.

I look up and I gasp, the memories flooding back to me.

A/N: okay this is a bit out there, I know. But, this is just an idea that I dreamt up—well, it's "Dream Dan's" book idea, and I guess I'm just bringing it to life.
If this is sorta interesting, please let me know.
Thanks ♥️

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