But she didn't turn her head, she kept walking to the Great Hall. She didn't want to turn around, she was already horribly dizzy and if she fell now in a corridor full of students, she would never live it down.

"Lu?" Remus tried again, this time closer.

She replied this time, the single word drooping and mixing with the watery mud students had tracked in. "Hey."

She couldn't form words quite like she wanted to. She wanted to say how glad she was to see him; how much she loved him, as silly as it seemed; but most of all she wanted to tell him how much pain she was in. Maybe he would understand and not make a commotion. But no. He wasn't the kind of person to let a secret like that be kept. Especially when he was Lycanthropic. He knew physical and mental pain. His had to be withheld. But he couldn't understand neglect. She knew, she knew he couldn't understand what it was like to be disliked by the ones who raised you, be hurt by the ones who are supposed to love you.

It was a thing that lots of people romanticize, and lots of people secretly wish for, just for pity. Just for pity.

She felt like the world was on fire, but only she could see it. But it wasn't a blazing hell fire that devoured, it was a dull flame a fire almost put out, a dying fire.

"How- How was the rest of your break?" Remus felt like he shouldn't have asked the moment the words left his tongue.

Thirst, tears, burn, whip, vomit.

"It was alright." Lurapithia's hands gripped her robes so tight she could feel her fingernails through the fabric. "How was yours?"

"It was okay, my mum was sad to see you go." Lurapithia lifted her eyes to look at him. He looked tired, but happy none the less. His mousy hair had been trimmed, and it was still wet from the downpour on the way to the castle. His eyes were soft and he seemed as though he was staring intently at her but didn't know how to say what he needed to.

The students in front of the pair had been pushing the door open as they went, and they passed through with ease. All the chatter of the hall travelled to her ears and made then ring with such intensity that by instinct she clasped her hand onto what was closest. That just happened to be Remus.

The boy quizzically turned to her, but his face contorted with worry as soon as he saw Lu's eyes screwed shut and and her legs shake slightly.

"Lu? Lu, what's happening?" Remus tried to place a steadying hand on her back, but she hissed in pain.

Blood had soaked through her robes.

There was blood on Remus' hand.

"Lu, what happened!" The ever-worrisome boy yelled, causing some people to look their way.

"Shh! N-Nothing happened. I'm not hungry, I'm going to the common room." Lu said hastily, tears escaping her eyes. She tried to step away but her grip on Remus' arm was the only thing keeping her upright.

"Oh, no you're not. You're coming with me to Pomfrey and-"

"No I'm not Remus! I-I can't go there- they'll just poke and prod and make things worse! Just let me go to my dorm so I can-" Lu was blubbering words out like they were her only life source, meanwhile, Remus was having none of it.

"So you can what? Huh? So you can lock yourself in there alone? So you can be sad in a cold room with no one there? You're bleeding for Godric's sake! How does that happen? When do people bleed through...."

Remus had been half dragging, half carrying Lu through the corridors, but now he had come to a stop. He looked down at Lu's tear stained face, and everything made perfect sense. Everything.

"We're almost there."

Lurapithia let out a grossly wet sob.

Remus' heart broke every time Lu would weakly beat her free fist on his arm, trying to get away, or sadly and quietly whisper how she would definitely get it this time.

With the door to the hospital wing in close reach, Lurapithia's legs finally gave out. There is nothing scarier than having no control of yourself when you are awake.

She wasn't aware of when everything went black. It was like falling asleep, she was there, her eyes open, her mind sluggish, and then, she simply.... wasn't.

A/N: I'M BACK BABY. Hi guys! I'm currently away from my home in Washington State, and am in Wyoming right now staying with some family. Lots has happened. I changed Lurapithia's faceclaim, If you want to check that out. I'm sick, I'm warm, I'm tired, I'VE BEEN WAITING TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER SINCE I STARTED THE BOOK. I'm not sure I like some of this, I might edit later on, but this'll do for know. Also,

WE HIT 300 VOTES!!!!!


I honestly never thought this book would get any votes, I just kinda started it for fun, but this IS WAY MORE FUN BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE READING AND hopefully enjoying. Hopefully.
I haven't been asking you guys questions.... Ever. I should do that.

Q1: what is Remus and Lu's ship name?

Q2: what is your favorite mythical creature?

I Love you all, I really do,

Apolline E.

(Also the Twenty One Pilots hiatus is over and I'm so happy)


Two Ghosts || R. Lupin                                          (HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now