“Densaugeo!” Alya shouted loudly.

“Protego!” Wendi retaliated, protecting her friend, the spell protected Harri, but it ricocheted and hit Hermione, much to both Gryffindor girls horror. Hermione covered her mouth with her hands with a gasp.

“Hermione!” Harri shouted running over to friend. As soon as Hermione uncovered her mouth she saw that her friend’s teeth were growing at an alarming rate. “We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey.”

“What’s going on here?” Snape asked coming into the room. He noticed that all his Slytherins were laughing and pointing at Hermione who was covering her mouth with her hands, Harriet Potter doing her best to console her friend.

He was suddenly reminded of Lily helping her best friend, Alice, back in their school days, “Potter, what happened here?” he asked the girl. She turned around her green eyes blazing with anger. Snape almost took a step back in shock, she looked and acted too much like her mother for his liking.

“Ms. Lestrange thought that it would be funny to cast a spell in the classroom and it hit Hermione. She needs to see Madam Pomfrey,” Harri replied tersely.

“Very well, Ms. Granger, go to the hospital wing,” he growled and motioned for everyone to get back to their seats. Hermione didn’t need to be told twice, she ran out of the room at breakneck speed. “As for you, Ms. Lestrange, detention, for two weeks. You know better than to use spells in my classroom.”

"Antidotes!" Snape said, looking around at them all, his cold black eyes glittering unpleasantly. "You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then, we will be selecting someone on whom to test one…"

Harri gulped, she knew that he was going to test them on her. She had been irritable in class all week. She blamed it on the lack of sleep and the constant ridicule, but it could have been anything. She brewed her antidote quickly, but efficiently. She put it in a vial and let it sit next to her after she put a good preservation charm on it. She wanted a little bit outside of her cauldron incase someone managed to mess with hers.

And then a knock on the dungeon door burst in on Harri's thoughts.

It was Colin Creevey. He edged into the room, beaming at Harri, and walked up to Snape's desk at the front of the room.

"Yes?" said Snape curtly.

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harriet Potter upstairs." Snape stared down his hooked nose at Colin, whose smile faded from his eager face.

"Potter has another hour of Potions to complete," said Snape coldly. "She will come upstairs when this class is finished."

Colin went pink.

"Sir - sir, Mr. Bagman wants her," he said nervously. "All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs...”

Harri could have swallowed some poison willingly at that point. That was the last thing that she wanted to do. Luckily, her potion was already done. She had been studying antidotes with Draco for weeks and she couldn’t thank herself more for studying as well as she did because Snape couldn’t fail her for missing the assignment now!

"Very well, very well," Snape snapped. "Potter, leave your things here, I want you back down here later to test your antidote."

“We could test it now, it’s finished,” she answered holding up the little bottle with the potion inside. Snape took one look at Colin and saw that the younger student wanted to protest.

“No, Potter, we’ll test it later. Take your things and come back tonight during the potions tutoring session,” he said with an irritated tone in his voice.

The Marauder's Heir (Harry Potter FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें