She Looks So Perfect

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Peter walked into his classroom and sat at the back, by the window. He hunched in his jacket, hoping to avoid the eyes of Flash Thompson No such luck.

"Alright, Parker?"

Peter continued to stare out the window, praying he could get away with one class.

"Oi, fag. I asked if you were alright."

Peter slowly looked up at Flash and sighed.

"Fine and dandy. Please leave me alone."

"Aww, the fag is scared."

"What's so wrong with being a fag?"

Flash and Peter both looled at the owner of the new voice.

"Ohhh... The posh gay boy's sticking up for Parler. You want that pretty face of your's smashed in, Osborn?"

"Hold on a second... I stuck up for him because yo were being homophobic towards him, and that makes me gay? Just because I support gay rights does not mean I'm gay. I support animal rights too, do I look like a fucking alpaca to you?"

The whole class giggled and Flash's cheeks turned red.

"No, but you look like a fucking ape."

Flash's fist flew out, intending to slam into Harry's jaw before Harry's own hand shot up, grabbing Flash's and squeezing his knuckles until there was a sickening popping noise. Flash howled in pain, pulling his hand free and running out the room. Peter cautiously looked up at Harry, nervous. Harry was the richest kid in the school, probably in the city. His Father was the founder and owner of Oscorp; they practically owned everything in New York; except Manhattan. That was owned by Stark Industries.

"You alright?"

Harry's voice cut through Peter's thoughts and he refocused his eyes on Harry.

"Sorry? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"Mind if I sit next to you? I got moved into this class and I don't know anyone."

Peter nodded and slipped his bag off the chair. Harry sat down, pulling a book out of his bag and beginning to read. Peter took the oppurtunity to take a look at Harry. The sun chose that moment to shine through the window. Harry's blond hair seemed to glow; his fringe sat perfectly over one of his crystal blue eyes. His pale pink lips moved softly as he mouthed the words he read.

'He looks so perfect...'

The thought crossed Peter's mind and he shook his head, mainly from shock.

'Try not to crush on the rich kid you twit.'

Harry seemed to realize Peter was staring at him and looked up, flashing the brunet a smile.

'His smile could end a war...'

"I'm Harry by the way."

"Yea... I know... Harry Osborn. I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

"I love the name... Nice to meet you, Peter."

"Same to you, Harry, and oh! Thanks for saving me from Flash."

"No problem. What clas-"

"Settle down, class."

The boys fell silent as they settled to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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