Chapter 2

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*20 Questions*

"So Jamie what is it like with the PC as your dad?"

he said "oh the burning question literally everyone ask its not that different than having any other dad except with the Reagan name it does carry some weight around with it"

he said "So what about Tayre what are your parents like?"

I said "my parents are divorced my mom is great she may as well have raised us 5 on her own but my dad is an alcoholic and our relationship isn't great he is actually fixing to get out of jail soon for his 3rd DUI offence and stalking my mom."

I said "you have 3 siblings right? who is your favorite?"

He said "well you know Danny, and Erin and then there is Joe who passed away when we were a bit younger, if I had to pick a favorite it would be Joe we were always close and always pushed me to be my own person."

He said "What about your siblings?"

I said "I have 3 brothers and one sister one older brother and the rest are younger my older brother is 2 years older than me his name is Michael, my first younger  brother is 2 years younger than me his name is Kaine, my other brother is 5 years younger than me his name is Brycen, and then our pride and joy our baby sister is 10 years younger than me her name is Lilly if I had to pick a favorite I'd pick my older brother we were always the closest when we were growing up"

I said "What's your favorite color Jamie?"

He said "blue I guess I don't really think about colors to often."

He said "Whats your favorite meal?" 

I said "I'm pretty basic I'm a steak and potato girl."

He said "You know thats my favorite too."

I said " I'm going to go a bit risque here if I were to ask or say just go for it would you kiss me?"

He said "Your a beautiful woman how could I say no."

He said "your trapped on a desert island and you can only take one person with who would you take"

I said "I keep a pretty small circle of friends I don't know who I'd want to take but someone I wouldn't mind being there is you"

I said "if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?"

He said "I think I would go to Australia."

"cool I think I would go to Bora Bora"

He said "whats your favorite tv show?"

I said " probably New Girl"

I said " so I'm about 1 vodka cranberry from being on the floor so I think maybe we should call it a night. But one more question and its a serious one I hear things from time to time about you and your partner I don't listen to rumors but they do make me curious for the truth."

"whoa the heavy hitter so like I said we've been partners for 4 years we kind of always knew we had feelings for each other but never acted when we had been partners and friends for 3 years we decided to act on our feelings and we went big we got engaged there is no rule about partners being married or engaged we planned the wedding about 6 months before the wedding Eddie called the wedding off and she took a leave of absence from work all she told me when  we split was that she loved me but just just didn't feel that we should be getting married and that we weren't soulmates still not sure what the leave of absence was about but I was devastated I also took sometime off we are still friends and partners it was just weird for a little while when she came back."

I said "Thats some tough shit Reagan I'm so sorry that happened to you you seem like a really great guy and you definitely deserve the world, do you want to walk me out and wait for a cab with me ."

He said "the big bad detective doesn't want to walk out alone?"

I said "You know I might be a detective but I'm still a lady and it's late I've had almost to much to drink I may need some protection."

He said " okay lets go" we walked out He asked " where do you live maybe we can share a cab?" I said "Brooklyn Heights" he said " you know I live there too you know there has been a lot of coincidences tonight." I said " maybe its fate maybe its not or maybe I've  had to much Vodka" he said "I'm not sure what it is but the one thing I do know is you have definitely had to much vodka"We got in a cab and headed toward Brooklyn Heights something happened in that cab the atmosphere changed I knew I could feel it Jamie and I were talking a bit. I turned my head to face him more I grabbed Jamie and kissed him. He pulled away at first then he pulled me back in we got to his place first and he asked me to come in I said yes. We went upstairs and well you can guess what happened next.

            I woke up Saturday morning to my phone blowing up with a massive hang over now on this particular Saturday I was suppose to be off but I would recognize that ringtone anywhere it was Danny. I answered "Yeah Reagan?" he said " well you sound bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning I need your help on a case can you meet me at a scene." I said "Reagan its 6 in the morning I'm suppose to be off and I'm severely hungover am I the only one you can call?" he said " well I could call someone else but I want to rack your brain so get your lazy bones up and meet me I'll txt you the address."  I said " damn it Danny fine you better be glad your my friend" I guess I woke Jamie because he said "who was that my brother?" I said "yeah my first day off in a month and he needs me working a case I'm hungover and it's really hard to leave a sexy man laying there." he said "you better get going I know how Danny can be but maybe we can meet up later or another time give me your number." I took a shower at his place and left him my number i walked home my apartment is only a few blocks away to change clothes. I caught a cab to meet Danny.

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