Meeting his son again

Start from the beginning

"I love your place, Orion." Sirius said happily. "Thanks dad. Up those sters is the bathroom. Here are some clothes that don't fit me anymore. I will take you to get more clothes for yourself tomorrow. Right now you should just take a shower and relax." Orion told his dad.

Sirius smiled and said. "Thanks. You sure grew up." Sirius said sadly. "Dad I can tell you about my time at Hogwarts after you get cleaned up." Orion said. Sirius nodded more happy now to finally getting clean.

Sirius left to get a shower. Orion began making them some snacks and drinks.
Back with Rose, Ron, and Hermione

After the two Black's left Rose, Ron and Hermione left back to their common room. Rose and Hermione then went up to their dorm. Once there Rose said. "Hermione I know who my mate is."

"Really? Who is it? Hermione said excitedly.  "It's O-Orion, Hermione, I don't know what to do." Rose said not sure how to handle this.

"Maybe owl them and tell them together?" Suggested Hermione.

"I will do that soon. Thank you Hermione." Rose said. The two girls hugged and went to bad. They had a big day ahead of them.
Orion got done making their sandwiches and drinks. It was on the table. Soon Sirius came down clean and feeling better.

"Dad, I got us some sandwiches and drinks. We can talk for a few. I need to get up early for work." Orion told his dad, who nodded and sat down.

Orion told his dad about his first year at Hogwarts and they laughed and to soon for Sirius liking Orion had to go to bed. Orion did say that he could watch tv as long as it wasn't to loud.
. . . .

The next morning Sirius woke up to breakfast cooking. He saw Orion cooking in the kitchen. "I had got the hang of cooking from Molly, who wants me to call her that." Orion said to his father.

Sirius nodded and sat down on the table. Soon breakfast was served and they chatted awhile they ate. Sirius did the dishes as his son could get to work. Orion said a quick thank you and see you later and was off.
Sirius was watching TV when Orion got back with a annoyed look on his face. "What happened?" Sirius asked his son, who sat down and looked through some paperwork. Still annoyed.

"Someone thought it would be funny to still a gem that meant a lot to one of the goblins. So I have been tasked to get it back. I still have to go over what Albus wants me to do for him."

"Oh, I would be annoyed too. You have a lot to do today."

"Yeah, life of a Curse-breacker." Orion said to his dad. There was tapping on the window. Orion and Sirius looked to see a brown owl and a snow white owl with patches of black.

"Oh, the brown owl is Bill's and the white one is Rose's." Orion said getting up and opening the window to let the owls in. He took the letters from the owls and let them stay to rest and get something to eat and drink.

Orion open Bill's letter first. It read:

Dear Orion

How are you? I am good. It is great working here in Egypt. I had been busy. The goblins here have been really mad about something. Do you know? How as your work going? We should get together sometime soon. We should invite Charlie as well.

I have been great here in Egypt. It's really hot sometimes and not to bad other times. It is still cool here. I have to go. A lot to do.

Wright back soon.

Bill Weasley

Orion smiled and said. "I'm glad he's good. He sounds happy. I will have to wright back."

"One of your friends you told me about?" Sirius asked.
"Yeah, it is. Bill Weasley. Ron's oldest brother." Orion answered.

Sirius nodded in understanding.

Orion then read Rose's letter. It read:

Dear Orion

How is Sirius? I hope he gets better soon. Tell him I said hi for me.
Um, I was wondering if you and Sirius could talk? It's important. Let me know when you two can talk, please.

Are exams results got back today. Hermione did good. He got O's in everything expect for DADA.

Ron got a's and E's. He got Troll in one. Not bad for him. Fred and George didn't do great.

I did great too. I got all O's. Hermione is proud of me. She is of Ron too, but won't admit it. I can't wait to see how Uncle Moony is. He had a tuff full moon. I have to go now.

Rose Potter

Orion told what he read and his dad was happy for Rose and her friends.
Orion made a letter for Bill first and then one for Rose.

Dear Bill

I am good. Things are mostly the same. The goblins are made about some of their gold and otherthigs are stolen. I am working over time to get them back.

I am glad to hear that you are good. I will half to let you know my free days. I will half to see how Charlie is doing. I have been pritty busy myself. I will let you know what works the best.

Orion Black

Orion then did one for Rose. It read:

Dear Rose

We can talk tomorrow. I have some free time then. Sirius is good. He misses you already. We will talk at Hogwarts. Pleass tell Albus.

That is great. I am glad you are doing good. I didn't expect anything else from the twins. They were always like that.
Tell Ron and Hermione I said that I'm glad the did good.

Orion Black

Orion new what Rose wanted to talk about. He felt the mate pull too. He new that Sirius could feel it as well. Orion's father was ok with it. He knew that Orion will take good care of Rose.

Orion sent both owls off after giving them owl treats. Orion and Sirius went and got Sirius new clothes.

They got Sirius new jeans and wizard robes. They got him some new shoes and shirts. Two white, three red, two black, and they got some new pajamas. One has a red tee shirt and white bottoms. The other was gold tee shirt and red bottoms. The left and got something to eat and drink and headed home.
At the house they put Sirius new set of clothing. They soon had everything put away. Everything in its own place.

They then went to bed. Tomorrow was going to a long day they could feel it.

(I hoped that you liked the story. Let me know what you think. Please keep your mean comments to yourself. If you want comment or vote. Thank you)

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