Zia- So glad you ask but not going to answer. First I am going to reveal the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Alya- There in our class

Zia- Yes

Alya- *excited*

Chloe- I know who is it. It obviously it is me. Just need to find out who is chat noir.

Zia- *mad* Hey Chloe if you were Ladybug I bet you that the entire fandom would never watch miraculous agian. Further more you are not Ladybug so shut you mouth.

Chloe- *scoffs *

Zia- I am going to kill you if you do not stop.

Voice 2- Don't just calm down and get on with what your doing.

Zia- Fine

Voice 2- Good

Zia- Now back to what I was saying to to reaveal.

Marinette - *Oh no*

Adrien - *I get to see my lady*

Zia- Roll comic

Alya-*excited/fangirling* My best friend is ladybug!

Nino- Dude your chat Noir

Adrien/Marinette - Yep

Chloe - Maritrash can't be lady bug I am perfect to be Ladybug than her.

Zia- Chloe I wouldn't test me cause I don't have a lot of patience.

Voice 5- I would listen to her. Cause if you go on her bad side then I wish luck.

Chloe- *roll eyes* Whatever at least adrikins loves me right. I mean you chat Noir so we are peefect.

Adrien - Nope not going happen chloe. I have my bugaboo if she would like to be my girlfriend.

Marinette - *blushes * Of course I will kitty!

Adrien - *kisses her*

Marinette - *kisses back*

Alya - *squeals * My ship

Nino- You go dude

Chloe- Get off my adrikins  maritrash.

Zia- That's it *duck tapes her mouth*

Chloe- mmmmmmm

Zia- can't hear you

Kim- *laughs* Good job

Zia- Thank you *bows*

Sabrina - Why did you do that?

Zia- Cause she was being mean so I duck tape her mouth. Don't take off the duck tape or you will have it. And I don't want to do it to you cause your nice.

Sabrina - Ok

Chloe- mmmmmm

Zia- Cant hear you *laughs*

Mylene- So what are going to do next.

Zia- More comics

Marinette - *breaks away* I love you

Adrien - I love you too.

Zia- Now next comic

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