Adam mouthed I love you across to Lawrence.

Larry smiled.

Lawrence's voice began to waver as he continued. His throat closed as he spoke, "I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss him being there for me, and making fun of me. Most of all I'm going to miss his loyalty. Work at the hospital won't be the same without him."

Everyone in the back rows that knew Ron from work muttered in agreement.

"He hid it well when he wanted to, but he had a big heart." Lawrence couldn't stop the tears that fell quickly down his cheeks. He did not wipe them. He simply let them be as he spoke for his dead best friend.

"I saw the love he had for people, and what he would do for the people he loved. Especially David. They were only together for a short amount of time, but in that small span, there was more love there than in most relationships I've seen."

Lawrence sighed, "That brings me to David." He took a deep breath and let it out. "I only met David a few months ago, but it felt like I knew him just as long as I knew Ron. He saved my life."

Lawrence waited a few beats for repeating what he said and trying to keep it together. "He saved my life, and—I wasn't there to save his. I'm sorry, David. Thank you." He spoke to him, wherever he was out there.

Lawrence felt like he had so much more to say about the both of them, but he couldn't get his mouth to work anymore. Looking down at the ground, he panicked and walked quickly back to his seat next to Adam.

Lawrence put his face in his hands with disappointment, but everyone clapped and Adam leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Hey, it's okay. You did great."

Lawrence lifted his head and looked at Adam.

"They'd be proud of you." Adam spoke gently.

Lawrence took Adam's hand silently. He didn't know what he'd do without him.

Adam stood out of his chair, taking Lawrence up with him. He cupped Larry's face and spoke sadly. "It's time for the burial."

Lawrence looked down and pursed his mouth.

"It's going to be hard, I know," Adam sighed. "But I'm gonna be here for you. Okay?" he pressed on Larry's cheeks harder to show him how serious he was.

Lawrence nodded without looking up.

"Me too, Larry." He heard Alison's voice from behind. Turning around, Lawrence faced her and she placed a supportive hand on his shoulder.

Seeing the support system he had made this time bearable. Just barely.

Lawrence, Adam, Alison, and Diana all stood hand in hand, in front of everyone else, near the two caskets.

Since Ron and David were both so young, they did not have wills prepared. Who would at their age? Because of this, the people in charge of the funeral asked both of their parents what they thought they would have wanted.

Both caskets were closed.

Lawrence was thankful for that.

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