Chapter 2

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My job... was as a butler for Rias Gremory.

The red girl had introduced herself and the boy with her properly and they told me about their school and club.

Something sounded really fishy about it but I didn't question it. Hell I wasn't in a position to question it.

They'd gotten me Issei's old clothes to change into as mine were ruined and they were rather tight but they'd do.

However apparently she had an outfit at school that I could wear but it was Sunday do we weren't aloud in today.

So now as it's noon Rias invited the rest of her club around to introduce themselves and I was nervous.

I'd been told to make something to snack on before they arrived and to serve drinks.

You know, do my job early to test the waters.

However it always felt like Rias had one hand around my neck, even if she wasn't around me I felt her presence watching me.

Knowing that if I made one wrong move I'd be ratted out to the police.

I was currently chopping up some tomatoes to put into a salad as I heard the doorbell go.

"I'll get it." I placed the knife carefully down before heading towards the door and opening it. "Welcome."

The three girls stood confused as they looked me up and down.

One of the girls was dressed like Rias was when I'd first met her, revealing. That paired with her black hair gave her a super freaky aura.

The next girl was blonde and dressed in a nurses outfit... huh, I chose to ignore this and chose to move on.

The third girl was young and pretty cute, she only reached about to my chest in height.

They were all kinda weird, something about them felt off.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked.

"Rias will explain, would you like something to drink?" I returned her question with one of my own.

None of them answered at first, I was kinda weirded out by how easily this whole 'butler' thing was.

Better than nothing.

"I'll have tea." The black haired girl took the lead walking past me into the living room.

"Ah, I'll have the same." The blonde girl chased after the other whilst saying that quickly.

"Milk." The little girl said quietly and I smiled half to myself.

"Coming right up miss." She headed towards the others as I closed the front door.


I had placed a tray of five drinks on the table, handing them out to each person individually before returning minutes later with the food.

I wasn't all that great at cooking so I'd just made a salad and taken some of the sweets from the cupboard and placed them into a bowl.

You get to be healthy or be normal, it's your choice.

Despite this the sweets were snatched up in a second by the small girl and nobody else got a chance.

"Everyone, this is Y/N, from today on he is my personal butler." I bowed as Rias introduced me to the rest of the group. "Y/N, this is Akeno, Asia and Koneko. Kiba is also apart of the club but he isn't present right now."

I waved hello to them as they smiled back.

"Though you have to know I didn't call you here just for that." Rias began again before stopping and checking her watch. "Kiba should be here in a -"

I heard a knock on the door and headed towards it, I opened it to find a boy around my age, from my guess he's a couple of years younger.

"Kiba?" I asked and they guy nodded skeptically.

I simply let him in again asking for his drinks order but he said he didn't want anything before heading into the room with the rest.

I didn't head back into the room with everyone instead heading to the kitchen to do whatever else.

I wasn't needed in their club activities, I didn't even go to their school so there was no need.

As I was drying a plate I heard a light female voice from behind me.

Spinning on my heels I see Koneko staring at me.

"Come on." She mutters heading straight back out again. I sling the towel over my shoulder before opening the door between me and the club.

"Y/N, we have something big to tell you." Rias had a scarily serious look on her face and I could tell that I was in for a hell of a life from now on...


"You're not human?" I muttered, I was so confused about how this came around.

"We're Devils." Akeno chimed in, smiling sadistically.

"You're joking right, those are just stupid legends made up by churches." I put a hand on my nose before starting to walk off, I'd prefer to take my chance with the police rather than be with these lunatics.

"Oh, but it's very much true." Rias stood up and I turned around to see two large black wings forming on her back, Akeno stood up and did the same thing.

What happened next I wasn't exactly proud of...

I felt something burning on my back for I passed out on the floor, so heroic.


Another chapter done, sorry this one is short, I've been so busy with exams I haven't had much time at all to write.

Only one more week and I'm home free!

Oblivion, fading out.

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