Chapter 2

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Craig's P.O.V

I go over to my own house and open the door. I think Tweek is in my room so I kind of sprint up there. "Tweek come over here." I tried to sound like I had everything in control. "C-craig what i-is going on?" He looks at me. Now that I look at myself I am much taller than Tweek.
"To be honest I don't know, but we'll get though this." Sounding as confident as I could. I hugged Tweek, but right now I was smaller than him so to me it was a little awkward. I just realised something we have to pretend to be each other. My dad is going to hurt Tweek.
I couldn't stand the thought of Tweek getting hurt because of me. "Tweek when you get home or rather my house run straight to this room I mean it." I said sharply. He seemed to understand and nodded. School is tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. "C-Craig can y-you stay h-here tonight?" His voice got quieter as he spoke. "Ya just let me call your parents." I look at Tweek's contacts and found his mom's and called. "C-Craig remember you h-have to s-stutter." His voice rung through my head. That's right I have to pretend to be Tweek! "H-hello mom c-can I spend t-the night at C-Craig's?" Hoping that worked. "Of course honey be safe." Yes it worked! "T-thank you m-mom!" "Your welcome sweetie." I hung up the phone and told Tweek that I could spend the night. For some reason I felt really sleepy. "Tweek are you tired?" I ask lousy. "To b-be honest C-Craig I d-do." "Well let's talk about this in the morning." I sighed and crawled into the bed.  felt Tweek get on the bed and before I knew it I was out.

See I told you I was going to update. Well I made this one a little longer than the other one. Well anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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