Hairy Arms

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It was Halloween and a young woman was shopping at the mall. She had to pick up some candy and chocolate to hand out to the children in the neighborhood. After buying everything on the list, she paid for her purchases and carried her shopping bags out to the parking lot.

When she was loading her bags into the trunk of the car, she noticed an old lady with a large shopping bag approaching her.

"I'm sorry to bother you," said the old lady, "but I missed my bus. Would you be a darling and give me a lift home? My legs are tired and I've been walking all day."

The young woman was in a good mood, so she said, "Of course, I'd be happy to. Hop in."

She unlocked the door for the old lady and helped her into the passenger seat. Then, she walked around and got into the car herself. However, as she was about to drive away, the young woman noticed something that sent chills down her spine.

The old lady had hairy arms.

Something about those hairy arms made her extremely uncomfortable. She picked up her purse and began searching through it.

"Oh no," she said, "I can't find my credit card. I must have left it in the mall. Can you wait here for a few minutes while I go back and see if anyone has found it?"

The old woman nodded.

The young woman returned to the mall and found a security guard.She told him about the old lady in the car. Together, they went back to the parking lot, but the young woman's car was empty and the passenger door was standing wide open.

On the seat of the car was the large shopping bag that the old woman had been carrying. Inside, they found a huge butcher's knife and a roll of duct tape.    

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