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Hey guys! Welcome! This is the sequal to multiple directions. This is just the PROLOUGE of the story- a sneek peek for the fans of multiple directions. I'll start posting the other chapters AFTER i get more chapters out for sing me a song.- gabs <3


**Mell's POV**

"Har, I got to go! Liam's calling on skype!" I whined into my cell phone, "No I can't just pretend I'm swiming with dolphins!" I rolled my eyes as my best friend kept aruging, "Well you see Annie, I'm no where near an ocean....The Alps aren't where dolphins live. Yes, yes, I love you too. Now go kiss Niall or something."

The Skype ringtone was still playing as I checked my reflection one more time. I quickly brushed my long brown waves behind my ear. They actually took mercy on me today and hung nicely down to my waist. A miracle, I know. Smiling, I looked over my Annie approved outfit: a pair of ripped jean shorts and Liam's flannel. I smirked, remembering the shocked look on his face when he realized I snuck it out of his suitcase. In my defense, he did take my favorite blanket on his flight back to London.The boy had it coming!

Just as I was about to turn away, soemthing caught my eye. It was the necklace Liam gave me for our third month aniversary- the first aniversary that we had after we had to try a long distance relationship. (I went traveling on the X-factor tour, while he, Annie, and the rest of the boys went back to London for PR stuff.) It took my breath away, just like it did the first time I saw it. I must say, Liam has pretty good taste in jewlery - either that or he had Louis help him - because it was just beautiful. It was a plain silver locket with the letters L and M engraved on the front. Inside was a picture of us that Zayn took from the bushed when we were on our first date - I knew those boys were spying on us; Liam and I were cuddled together inside our little boat, surrounded by candles floating in pool water, and staring up at the sky that was dancing with stars.

I skipped to my computer, grinning like an idoit, and clicked answer with video.

"Liam!" I cheered, "Happy Aniversary!! Can you believe its been six months already?"

Liam just smiled at me, which was way weird. Normally he'd be grinning more than me and bringing up the most embarrassing time we've had together.

I tried to get him to talk, "So...did you get your present?"

Instead of answering Liam adjust the camera so I could see his room. I couldn't help it - I busted out laughing. He had plastered the collecter's Toy Story posters I bought him all over his room. His Buzz Lightyear bead sheets were littered with his brand new toys that I sent last week. The best, though, was the he had Buzz and Woody in a tag team against Zurg. And based off the Woody hat on his head, he had been playing all morning.

"You took them out of the boxes already?!" I laughed.

"I had to!" he finally spoke, grinning his usal smile, "They were just looking at me all 'Liam come play with us!' I couldn't tell them no! That would be rude!"

"Oh, and Daddy Direction can't be rude!" I giggled. Thinking about how lucky I was to be with the biggest dork in the world, I said, "Liam, I love you."

Then I noticed his smile faltered. Liam dropped eye contact and twiddled his thumbs. His face was turning a bit pink - the way it does when he gets upset.

Finally he looked up at me and his with puppy dog eyes pleading he said, "I love you Mell I really truely do."

"What's wrong Liam," I asked; my heart was ramming with worry, but I needed to see him smile, "Did Annie stick you with a pin again? I told you, you have to stand still while she's working."

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