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It was a clear night. The last day of summer vacation.  It was time to make a new name for ourself at a completely new town.
You got out the car and stared at the building.
"Now brace yourself the apartment is small." Mom said.
"But quality over quantity." All three of you said.
"Plus it's the only piece of property in my name and not your father's." Mom said.
You looked at Veronica and she looked at you with a small smile.
"Ready?" She asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." You said and the two of you interlocked arms and walked.
The lobby was gorgeous. Fully painted walls. A clean carpet and comfortable looking chairs.
"Smithers you are a sight for sour eyes." Mom said and hugged the man working at the apartment.
"How was the ride?" He asked.
"No traffic thank God." Mom said.
"Smithers I would like to introduce you to my twin daughters. Veronica and F/N." Mom said smiling.
Veronica and I smiled.
"It's a pleasure Miss Veronica and Miss F/N." Smithers said and shook our hands.
"Hi." Veronica said.
"Nice to meet your acquaintance." You said.
"I'll go get the bags." He said.
"Would you." Mom said.
"Would you like some menus ma'am?" He asked.
"Oh no. I have been craving one of Pop Tate's cheeseburgers since noon. Is his chocolate shop still open?" Mom asked hopeful.
"What is a chocolate shop?" You and Veronica asked.
"Why does a chocolate shop sell burgers?" You asked puzzled.
   They both stared at you guys and laughed.
"Growing up rich." Mom asked.
"Sweeties a chocolate shop is type of business which both manufactures chocolate confections and sells them, at the same location. It is usually a small family business, often operating at only one location." Mom said.
We nodded.
It was later and Mom had us go out to get the food and that's what we did.
We entered the building and it was nicely lit up with red booths and you could hear the cleaning of the dishes.
You saw Veronica staring at a red haired boy and the boy staring back and you smirked.
"Attraction at first sight." You thought.
You two walked and spoke to the chef presumably Pops.
"I called in an order for Lodge." Veronica said.
"Three burgers yeah almost ready." He said.
"But you have to wait." He said.
You looked at the red haired boy and the blonde haired girl.
"Hi I'm F/N Lodge." You said.
"Hi." They said. 
"How are the onion rings here?" Veronica asked.
"So good." The boy said.
"Can we get some onion rings too please?" Veronica asked.
"Yeah." Pops said.
"My mom and my twin and I  just moved here." Veronica said.
"Really you two are twins?" The girl asked.
"Yeah we may not be identical but we are twins." You said.
"From where?" The boy asked.
"New York." Veronica said.
"Do you guys go to Riverdale?" You asked.
"We do. We go together." The blonde said.
"Us too." Veronica said.
"But I'm filled with dread she isn't." Veronica said.
"Why's that?" The boy asked smiling.
"She's just nervous." You said and Archie laughed.
"Veronica Lodge." She said and shook his hand.
"Archie...Andrews." He said.
You saw the girl's face had a look of utter horror.
"This is Betty Cooper." Archie said.
"Aren't you suppose to give us a tour?" You asked with a smile.
"Yes." She said.
"Do you two want to join us? Maybe we can un fill you with dread." Archie said.
"Our Mom is waiting for us." Veronica said and Archie nodded.
"But to be continued." Veronica stated and pulled me away.
"Is it just me or is he super cute?" Veronica whispered.
"Just you." You said.
She rolled her eyes.
"Geesh F/N. What guy has caught your eye?" Veronica asked.
"I have only seen him so far maybe I'll let you know after college." You said with a smile.
"It's a new start for us let's enjoy it." Veronica said.
   You got the food and you and Veronica arrived home.
"Mom got the food." You said.
"Great let's eat." She said.
"Mmm so good." Mom said.
You nodded in agreement.
"You girls need to rest up school is tomorrow." Mom said.
"Goodnight." You said.
"Goodnight." Mom said.

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