twenty-eight - what happens under orange streetlights

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The official gives the kind of frown that causes wrinkles on his face, "Mr. Stark, we don't need to ask you where Mrs. Toomes..." Pepper and Tony both give him a pointed glare. "I'm sorry, where Miss Stark is." The official waits for a reaction from the parents, "We already know."

"What?!" Tony hurriedly stands up from his cushioned chair and his heart beats wildly in his chest, "You've found her?!"

"Is she all right?" Pepper stands as well, quickly coming to Tony's side, "Is she hurt? How is the," the woman stops suddenly and they all can see the tears in her eyes grow heavier.

How is the baby?

The unsaid words hang heavy in the air.

The baby.

Lisa's baby.

Oh God, their baby is pregnant with a baby of her own. And both of them are out there by themselves. People are chasing them and they're all alone. They're in danger and Tony pushed them away. He's hurt them. He's lost them. He can't help but wonder if Pepper blames him. He probably would if he were her. It is all his fault. Lisa would still be here if he hadn't been such an idiot. If he had kept her safe. If he hadn't have said any of those things. Lisa would be here, and their daughter and their grandchild would be safe.

What has he done?

"I apologize." The official quickly spouts, "I should clarify. We don't know where she is, but we do know where she was."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tony angrily demands.

Pepper has the same scowl on her face as he does. He got their hopes up for nothing? He doesn't even know where she is? Tony swears to God that he could throttle him right here in this moment and, to be honest, he would probably enjoy it. Pepper has her arms tightly crossed over her chest and Tony's knee is bouncing as they both wait for the official to get the words out.

"Our facial recognition scanner found her on a security camera near a club in New York a few hours ago."

Hours, just a few hours. The parents almost feel relief. For some reason, it makes them feel a little bit better knowing where she was so recently. After months of not knowing where she was or if she was okay after all this time, it feels good to just know anything.

"New York?" Pepper repeats slowly, "Why would she come back to New York?"

Tony and Pepper glance at each other as the answer immediately comes to mind. Her brother. That's the only reasonable explanation of why Lisa would take that big of a risk.

"Because of this." The official clicks a few buttons on his tablet and, as they return to their seats, the large screen in Tony's office begins displaying a dark and grainy image.

The only way any of them can really see what is going on in the video is because of the orange streetlights that cut through the otherwise dark night. Nothing within the video really seems amiss for a good thirty seconds before the side door of what must be the club is thrown open and loud music filters out. Then, a brunette woman stumbles out of the door with what probably is a beer bottle in hand. Something about her seems familiar to Tony and his stomach uncomfortably twists into knots. The billionaire glances at the CEO only to find that the tall strawberry blonde is just as confused as he is.

Tony is glad she's here though, even if it's only because of this. To just see her, to just be in the same room as her, that's gotta be enough for him. It's better that way. Maybe not better for him but better for her. She meets his brown eyes for just a moment and then they both look back at the video playing before them.

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