six - flip of a switch

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chapter vi.
(   age of ultron   )

well, sometimes it gets
so  cold down here
hey, i swear it burns
ghost town ─── passenger

well, sometimes it getsso  cold down herehey, i swear it burnsghost town ─── passenger

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avengers tower
may 3, 2015

I'm sitting sprawled out on the lab table, picking glass out of my feet and flicking it to the tabletop beside me. My face is twisted into a dark scowl and my hands are shaking with anger as I pull shard after shard from my flesh. Dad is about twenty feet away from me with his hands pressed into another table as he stares distantly down at a broken apart legionnaire. Everyone else stands around, each wearing solemn expressions. No one is quite ready to speak yet as the events of only a few minutes prior plays on repeat in each person's head.

"All our work is gone," Bruce finally speaks up, breaking through the thick and heavy silence, "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron," Steve spits out, shaking his head in quiet disbelief.

 "He's been in everything," Natasha says, crossing her arms over her chest and turning around to face everyone, "Files, surveillance

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"He's been in everything," Natasha says, crossing her arms over her chest and turning around to face everyone, "Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other," there is this odd sense of concern in her voice and I can't help but wonder why.

She and Clint glance at each other as I raise an eyebrow. Something is off with each of them. I'm still pondering what their deal could be when I remember my own 'deal'. Nat's words slowly sink in and I understand the severity of it. I rest my suddenly sweating palms down onto my kneecaps. My eyes suddenly dance around the room as I feel guilt and worry create a bomb within my chest. I pull in a quick and angry breath, grinding down on my teeth. My file! Oh, come on, I am such an idiot. Why didn't I delete Peter's attachment files from mine? Ultron could know, and if he gets ahold of that information... All of my plans, all of my pain, it could be for nothing.

"He's in your files," Rhodey speaks up from beside Nat, holding his arm and walking across the room, "he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

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