Chapter two

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"I'm how why did you call me babe, Joe?" I asked "you're going out with Sybil?" I asked "um yeah... about that we broke up last week." Joe said sadly "oh sorry! pizza?" I asked "yes!" Joe shouted "quite there are neighbours!" I said. I went to find my phone "Um Joe have you seen my phone?" I went to the kitchen and looked it ain't here. I ran up to my bedroom and looked,nope "oh shit haha!" I said "haha what" Joe said "I left my phone on the charger!" I said

Joes P.O.V

"Oh shit haha" I heard Justice say "haha what" I asked "I left my phone on the charger" Justice said i ran to the charger and stole it off "hey Joe give it back" she shouted "NOOOOOOOO" I shouted back and Justice chased me around the sofa and caught up and push me on the sofa and grabbed her phone she laid on top of me getting comfortable and called for the Pizza. "what kind do you want Joe?" She asked "um just a cheese please justice!" I said "hello?" she said "uh yeah hey I would like to order a cheese pizza please?" "yep ok!" "BYEE!" she said hanging up "he will be here in about 20mins at the latest!" Justice said. oh my god her voice she I mean Justice is so beautiful i can't even! "Joe Joe Joe?" Justice was saying and snapping her fingers in front of my face "Joeee earth to Joe!"she said giggling "uh yeah what?" I said "pizzas here do you want some??" Said justice "sure!" I said. we sat talking and eating pizza till 11:00pm "oh I better go!" I said not realising the time "oh it doesn't matter stay here because you always slept at Sybil's and you must be feeling down?" Justice asked "I've got nowhere to sleep" I said "you can sleep in my bed seems as I've had no one to sleep with ever because I've never had a boyfriend and I'm an only child!" Justice said "fine but I've got nothing to sleep in!" I said trying to make her say I can leave because I'd get a bit weird because I find her so attractive! "you an sleep in you're boxers I don't mind seriously!" she said "finee!" I said. we both went upstairs and I went to the bathroom and she went to her bedroom.

Justices P.O.V

What did I just do I let Joe Sugg stay at my flat for the night! I find him so attractive so it's gonna be a bit weird I got into my pyjamas and got into my bed then Joe walked in, in his boxers perfect six pack and abs *breathes heavily* Joe got into my bed and face the other way I turned round and tried to turn Joe over "Joe turn the fuck over bitch!" I said giggling "why?" Joe said "because my bed my rules turn over!" I said ""fine" I heard Joe muffle I snuggled into Joes chest like I used to do with my mum because my dad walked out on us and left just me and my mum in a small one bedroomed flat like the one I have now we both stayed there but my mum fell ill because of the condition we were living in but it was when I was 15 so I stayed in a child's home for a year and every night of my life with my mum since my dad left when I was five I would snuggle into her chest and fall asleep. Tears started falling down my cheeks thinking about my mum she was in hospital for two years and nothing happened and she died of an illness she said before she died that she was glad I didn't get her illness! I cried silently into Joe chest but he felt the tears dripping onto his chest "Justice are you ok?" Joe asked "she's dead Joe!" I said crying harder "it's not your fault she's dead she died of a condition that wasn't your fault!" Joe said "it was I was fifteen I could of helps her I could payed for her treatment but she wouldn't let me Joe I have no one left!" I said crying even harder Joe sat up and pulled my up with him. he hugged my tighter "heyheyhey it's not your fault" Joe said "Joe would you stop saying it's not my fault it is I could of saved her but no!" I said "everyone's gone my mum my Nan's my Grandads everyone even my dad!" I shouted "and it's all my fault I could of saved my mum and my mum could of saved everyone else but she couldn't Joe!" I shouted "come on" Joe said kissing my head "of course it wasn't your fault Justice you couldn't of saved them because she was already ill she couldn't of survived even with the treatment!" Joe said in a comforting tone "you're right Joe!" I said sniffling, I kissed his cheek and snuggled into his chest Joe kissed my forehead and pulled me back down the bed and falling asleep. I lay awake thinking about shit like Joes abs. I traced his six pack with my finger and I heard Joe muffling "stop it, it tickles!" I just giggled and continued to trace them "stop it!" Joe said "stop what" I said giggling "oh so you think that's funny?" Joe said "no!" I said and Joe started to tickle me "stop it Joe stooppp!" "NOOOOOOOO!" Joe shouted "shh keep it down it's 2 in the morning and you're shouting I have neighbour you know!" I said "oh well they can live with it!" Joe said "mean" I said "right ok stop tickling me please or you can go home!" I said sternly "fine" Joe said helping me back onto the bed .I snuggled back into his chest and waited till Joe fell asleep which was about three I got out his grasp and kissed him. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a ice lolly and got back into bed and thought about why the heck I just kissed Joe. I finished my ice lolly and thought what would happen if I kissed him again?, I kissed him but this time he placed his hand on my cheek before I was about to pull away he pulled me closer with his legs because I was obviously under the covers. he moved his lips in sync with mine and pulled away "I've been wanting to do that for ages Justice!" Joe said sexily "me too!" I said kissing him again but just a little I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

The mixtape A Joe Sugg fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum