"S'ok. Tony's stink woke me up" Peter mumbles, squeaking when Tony swatted his butt. "See this bullying. I get up and he's already swatting at me" Peter mumbles sitting up from his lap with a huff.

Tony glares at him for a moment before playfully pulling the boy back over his lap. "Oh? that's bullying huh? Maybe a few on that little butt of yours will teach you to call me dad" He teased, landing a few playful swats on Peter's covered butt. He squeaked at each one.

"Mom! help!" He complains, Pepper just laughs a little and snaps a photo. "That's not helping!" He complains. Rhodey's chuckle follows behind hers and Peter's face goes even redder.

"Oh don't worry Pete. Did either of them tell you about the time they both ended up over Mama Rhodes knee?" He asks as Peter is sat up. Both adults go bright red at that. "I guess not. Well you see your mom and Dad where at my house for the holiday, my mama was doing the cleaning when she found them stealing her cookies. She got them so good neither of them could sit for weeks" He laughs, Peter joins in.

"I thought they didn't meet till they where adults?" He asks between chuckles. Rhodey grins.

"This was last year" Peter burst out laughing at that and Tony groans in annoyance.

"Thats it. You're no longer my best friend" He said seriously and Rhodey just loops his arm around Peter. 

"Good I traded you in for a younger and better looking model" He says smirking.

That's how the morning goes. The two friends sniding at each other and telling stories about their 'younger years'


Peter sat with Rhodey as Pepper and Tony packed up some bags. "We literally met yesterday Tony" Rhodey says rubbing his forhead as Tony packed things away.

"I know-I know but please. The others all have missions, these are really important board meetings. Origanlly it would of been Bruce baby sitting but he's got some big Science talk thing. Just one week. Please" Tony begs, Peter sighs leaning on the sofa with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't need a baby sitter. I'm 15 and the building is alive." He mutters, Tony settles him with a glare.

"It's Rhodey or you come with me and Pepper for a week long board meeting about stocks" He says simply and Rhodey winces.

"Owch that's boring. I'll watch the kid, you guys argue about stocks" Rhodey said sweetly, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll corrupt your kid whilst making sure he goes to school and such. Go be weird and work" Tony splutters and almost immedately unpacks his clothes to stay until Pepper drags him by the ear and grabs the bags.

"Have fun. He needs to be in bed by 10. No phone or anything-Oh and no girlfriend!" She yells as the doors close and Peter rolls his eyes.

"She is not my girlfriend" He mutters, ignoring the look from Rhodey.

"Parents?" He chuckles a bit and elbows Peter. "Come on Spider boy, lets get your stuff ready for tomorrow. Maybe I can teach you what real cooking is. Tony can't cook for shit and Pepper's nothing compared to me!" Rhodey grins as Peter agrees.

That was the biggest mistake he ever made as not five minutes later they where putting out a fire. Rhodey had somehow set fire to water.


Rhodey looked over the rules they'd left in place for Peter as the boy sat on the sofa doing his home work, a eyeroll at the punishments to go with it.

Bedtime - 10pm weekdays. 11pm weekends - Remove electronics if he disobeys.

Curfew - 9pm weekdays. 10pm weekends - Valid reasons for missing curfew include 

A fight that lasted longer than expected.

He was on his way and took longer than expected (Phone call must be made)

He was given an extension.

If he misses curfew by -

30 minutes - 5 swats

1 hour - 10 swats

2 hour - 15 swats

3 hours - 20 swats.

Any more please call.

He is not allowed to swear. At all. (Tony will kill him) If he does swear wash his mouth out and put in time out room.

Go to decathalon practice - Make sure he does go and doesn't go on patrol - if he lies about it 20 swats and time out room.

No lying. 

No TV or patrol until homework is done.

Rhodey chuckles a bit and glances at Peter. "So you still get spankings?" He calls, Peter squeaks loudly and blushes looking at him. 

"N-Not very often....only when I'm bad" He mutters and Rhodey smirks walking over.

"Oh? And how bads bad huh? From what Tony told me you're very behaved. What you swing in at 2am or something?" Peter winces.

"4 am." He mutters and Rhodey whistles.

"Lets see....your curfew is 9 so....20 plus 10...you got 30 swats? From who, Tony? nah...not Tony....Captain America?" He asks, grinning when he see's the boy go ruby red. "Owch, getting your butt warmed by Captain America him self? Poor little boy" He teased and Peter groans.

"Oh god you're another Tony" He mutters in annoyance. 

"That I am, just stricter. If that homework isn't done in the next hour I'm making sure all the channels are blocked apart from seasame street" Rhodey threats walking away. Peter gapes at him in shock.

This was going to be a long Week.

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