When Loki Gets Jealous

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The door slams open and Loki barges into your room. In only a few strides he is in front of you and your book is snatched away. You open your mouth to protest but when your eyes lock, you see him seething with rage. Your mouth closes and you wait to see what happens next.
"MY BROTHER!" He bellows as his fist collides with the coffee table next to him making you jump.
"What about Thor, Loki?" You ask trying to keep the fear out of you voice.
"What about Thor?" He repeats, his tone high pitched, mocking you, "Don't play coy."
"Honestly Loki I have know idea what you're talking about." You lie. He notices and his features harden.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He argues, his voice rising, "YOU KISSED HIM!"
"No I didn't" You argue now standing.
"I saw you Y/N! You and that big oaf locking lips!" He argues.
"Loki we weren't-"
"It certainly looked that way!" He mutters sarcastically.
"Loki it's not what you think." You start.
"THEN TELL ME!" He yells.
Sighing, you sit down and proceed to tell him the events of the day before. You were taking a stroll in the gardens when you ran into Thor and started to have a conversation, then out of nowhere, he kissed you. It didn't last long and you slapped him when you pulled away, hurrying into your chamber and hoping no one had seen anything. Loki listens with a grim expression on his face, when your story ends, he stands and starts toward the door.
"Loki where are you going?" You ask concerned.
"To find Thor and teach him a lesson: Nobody touches what is mine and gets away with it." He states before stalking out if the room. You know it's no use trying to stop to stop him, so you just stay where you are and wait until he comes back. At least now you know he loves you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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