"Colby!" Laura and Alex held me back while Brian and Jon pulled them apart.

"Take it back!" Colby hissed breaking free from Jon's grasp as blood trickled down his forehead.

Blood started dripping from Trent's mouth and onto the floor "She's a fuckin' slut!" Right then Colby snapped and delivered a blackout, smashing Trent's face into the crimson pool of blood.

After Alex and Brian hauled Trent to the nearest emergency room, and Laura and Sam went home, Colby and Jon headed back to my house to clean up Colby's wound. I texted Brian and Alex thanking them for dropping him off, only to receive a picture of them with Trent in the middle, with a bloody, swollen jaw and unconscious. They were smiling like idiots while Trent looked like a bloody mess. I almost felt bad for laughing. Almost.

"You got a nice place" Jon commented on the metal work I incorporated into every part of my home as he helped Colby up the stairs and to my bathroom.

"Thanks" I turned on the sink so Colby could rinse the blood from his face and hair, while I searched through the medicine cabinet for the things I needed to clean up his cuts.

"Is it as bad as it looks?" Jon peeked inside the bathroom.

"Nah, you know how head wounds are, they bleed a lot. If you're hungry, you can go ahead and get whatever you want downstairs."

"Thanks" he headed for the kitchen leaving me to tend to Colby.

"What were you thinking, Lopez?" I picked out whatever little piece of glass were left in his hair with tweezers. Once I got rid of all the glass, I soaked a cotton ball with water and started dabbing away at the cuts. "Trent's been a pain in the ass, but he's not worth your time."

"He crossed the line" I threw away the dirty cotton balls and used a clean one to dry the cuts. "You think I was gonna let him get away with saying what he did?" he was obviously still upset about what Trent said earlier and as I finished up cleaning the cuts, he wrapped his arms around my waist "Can't let him talk about you like that."

"Now you're getting to be a pain in my ass" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Right then I heard Dean call out from downstairs "Vanessa! Do you have any barbecue sauce?"

"Check the middle cabinet!" I turned back to Colby and giggled "Come on, you hungry?"

Colby and Jon argued over which movie to watch from my brother's almost endless collection, while I prepared some chicken strips and a wide range of dipping sauces. Finally after their bickering, and almost knocking over the tv, they agreed on watching Push.

"Imagine actually being able to teleport?" Jon ate the last of his chicken and burped in satisfaction.

"You would obviously be up to no good" I eyed him and Colby laughed as he sat between us.

"Don't act like you wouldn't use those powers for evil" he shot back.

"Maybe" I thought about what I would do if I could teleport instantly and before I could plot, my phone started ringing from the kitchen. 'Around the World' by Daft Punk played, it was my brother calling so I got up to answer it.

"What's up bro?" I leaned against the island in my kitchen.

"Guess who's here?" He sounded excited and happier than usual.


"My girlfriend!"

"Since when do you have a girlfriend?" Jon and Colby turned around and gave me weird looks.

"Since 5 minutes ago!" I heard a girl's voice on the other end.

"Laura?!" I finally connected the dots and squealed.

"Hey! Tryna watch a movie!" Jon threw a pillow at me and I ducked in time.

"Yeah! I asked my dad if I could head up to Austin for the rest of the week once you guys left, and he said yeah. I texted Thomas I was coming and when I got here he asked me out" I could hardly hear her over the music in the back.

"I'm so happy for you guys. I'll start planning the wedding" I joked.

"Vanessa!" I heard my brother on the other end.

"I'm kidding. Hey look I gotta go, the guys are giving me dirty looks, they're trying to watch a movie. Text me later ok?"


"Later guys" I hung up and sat down next to Colby.

"What happened?" Colby asked as I clutched the pillow to my chest and looked off into the distance.

"My brother is becoming a man" Jon laughed and Colby smiled at my silliness.

Once again I had an awesome day with Colby, only to have it ruined by Trent, and then have it made by Colby. Once the movie ended, I heard soft snoring coming from Dean and checked the clock on the DVD player. 'Barely 10pm' I was about to get up when I realized Colby had fallen asleep with his arm around me. They must be exhausted from today, but tomorrow they'll REALLY feel the effect of today's work.

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