Body Positivity Challenge

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Here are a collection of prompts to include body positivity, self-love, and body diversity in literature. I challenge you to explore these themes, and portray them in any way you choose. Enjoy!

One: Write a chapter in which a character is discriminated against for their body type.

Two: Write a chapter in which a character takes a risky selfie and posts it on a form of social media.

Three: Write a chapter in which a character feels uncomfortable in an article of clothing.

Four: Write a chapter in which a character skips a meal.

Five: Write a chapter in which a character observes unreal standards of beauty.

Six: Write a chapter in which a character meets someone that struggles with body positivity.

Seven: Write a chapter in which a character defends someone else's body type.

Eight: Write a chapter in which a character has a good hair day.

Nine: Write a chapter in which a character covers up a flaw with make up.

Ten: Write a chapter in which something makes a character feel better.

Eleven: Write a chapter in which a character doesn't wear a bra/underwear.

Twelve: Write a chapter in which a character is mocked for shaving/not shaving.

Thirteen: Write a chapter in which a character rethinks the definition of beauty.

Fourteen: Write a chapter in which a character gets laid despite their body type.

Fifteen: Write a chapter in which a character is made fun of in a restaurant and gets revenge.

Sixteen: Write a chapter in which a character discovers something about their body that they like.

Seventeen: Write a chapter in which a character meets someone who is very pro-body positivity. 

Eighteen: Write a chapter in which a character makes a list of things they like about themselves.

Nineteen: Write a chapter in which a character reads negative body comments on a YouTube video and fights back. 

Twenty: Write a chapter in which a character is told they need to lose/gain weight. 

Twenty-one: Write a chapter in which a character decides to quits using acne medication.

Twenty-two: Write a chapter in which a character is complimented by a random stranger on something they do not like about themselves.

Twenty-three: Write a chapter in which a character is convinced to throw a party celebrating self-love.

Twenty-four: Write a chapter in which a character stands up for their body type.

Twenty-five: Write a chapter in which a character catches themselves discriminating against someone because of their body type.

Twenty-six: Write a chapter in which a character wears something they usually wouldn't.

Twenty-seven: Write a chapter in which a character stumbles upon a body-positive blogger/vlogger and initiates contact.

Twenty-eight: Write a chapter in which a character declines a date and spends the night doing things for theirself.

Twenty-nine: Write a chapter in which a character hikes a mountain and has an epiphany.

Thirty: Write a chapter in which a character is one step closer to self-love, or nearly there already.


You can mix and match these for ones above, or to write more.

One: Write a chapter in which a character tries to go on a diet.

Two: Write a chapter in which a character shamelessly eats a lot of ramen.

Three: Write a chapter in which a character explains to someone what body positivity is.

Four: Write a chapter in which a character finds that yoga is not the past-time for them.


1. Dedicate at least one chapter to this account, and tag the story with #BodyPositivity so it can be added to the reading list.

2. Don't take credit for the prompts - they are the creation of me, Woowoowriting, and afterthinking.

3. (You can copy the prompts here).

4. Comment with a link to your story.

5. Stay positive and have fun!

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