Chapter 1

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I'm the type of person to stay home while everyone goes out. Yeah, I've been to a few parties, but they felt more like social gatherings. I enjoyed these gatherings for the fact I knew most of the people and vice versa. One of the people who through these "gatherings" was no other than my best friend since grade school, Matt.

Matt was usually at my house since his parents were never home. They traveled a lot for work and when you're 18 you don't need a babysitter anymore. He didn't really have to anything while they were gone except do laundry. Dishes weren't a thing to him since he ordered take out and was responsible enough to throw it away.

Earlier today I got a text from Matt. More than likely he was planning on annoying me or trying to set me up on a blind date.

Matt: Lauraaaaa
Matt: it's really important
Me: Everything is important to you so what do you want?
Matt: I was going to let you know I'm coming over. Do I need to go through the front or back door?
Me: Matt, which door do you always go through when entering my house?
Matt: the front
Me: exactly
Matt: I'll text you when I get there and you better not take forever opening the door
Me: I will :)
Matt: and this is why I hate you

I laugh at the last part. Matt is usually always over and since I'm an only child he basically has turned into a brother. My parents love Matt and have basically adopted him, even setting him up his own room here. He was more than please to know they accept him so much. When he comes over it's just us talking about who we saw or what we done.

He was basically like a female friend just not shaped into a female. He had a really deep voice and yet he is so feminine. He literally picks my outfits out for me almost everyday and honestly I love it.

I walk down stairs to get some cereal and return to my humble abode. Soon as I start pouring my milk I hear a car pull in and so to follow footsteps. My door nob shakes back a fourth and followed by the door bell.


"Coming!" I yell through my house.
"Well, hurry!" A voice calls from the door.
As I open the door Matt comes running in. He goes straight to the kitchen and looks at the island.
"Ouuu, cereal," he says reaching for the bowl.
"No that's mine!" I say with an angry expression.
"Too late," he says as he wipes the milk off his lips,"We can share it."

I quickly dart upstairs and to my room. I leave the door open plop down on my bed. Matt comes rushing in and shuts the door behind him. He still has my cereal.

"You suck so much," I say to him playing with my fingers.
"Not true. It isn't my fault you left our cereal unintended," he said crunching down on my Frosted Flakes.
I roll my eyes and ask,"So what do you want?"
"Oh yeah," Matt says," I was going to let you know I'm throwing another gathering this Saturday."
"You do know today is Saturday, right?" I ask confused.
"Summer has my days all confused, so what I meant to say is I'm throwing a gathering at 10pm and you have to be there!" He says giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Who's all going to be there?" I ask.
"Well the usuals plus one more..." he says to me.
"Who's the plus one?" I ask slightly confused.
Matt takes a deep breath and says,"Okay so the 'plus one' is my new neighbor. He doesn't have really any friends and I thought this would be a great way to introduce him to people."
"Ugh, describe him to me." I said in a demanding tone.
Matt clears his throat and says,"Well, he's not that cute. He has long, curly, brown hair, green eyes, and he's Caucasian I'm assuming."
"Sounds adorable to me," I say while smiling.
Matt rolls his eyes at my comment.

Matt isn't really the jealous type, but he seems to always set me up with ugly guys, on the inside and outside. They're usually the jock type and I'm pretty sure them are the only people Matt must know besides me. They always try to impress me by saying how much they can lift, how many girls are in love with them, or how amazing they're at sports. (Honestly they suck at sports. Most are just bench warmers.)

"Also I meant to ask you if you felt like going on a trip with me sometime this summer?" He says in a serious tone.
"Sorry I don't do drugs." I reply jokingly.
He laughs and says," I'm being serious, a real trip to the beach with just you and me. We practically live together and when we do travel we're either with mine or your family. Don't get me wrong I love your mom, but we never really get to do anything on our own while there."
I roll my eyes and say," I'm busy."
"You're always at home and I know you don't have anyone else to hang out with. You literally hate anything that breathes," he says to me,"Please, just one trip."
"Fine, but you have to set up the date and reservation." I say to him.
"I'm glad you agreed because I already did all of that." He says with a grin.
"I should have told you know way you would have to cancel it." I say smiling.

He walks over to my bed with a smile.

"What?" I ask him

He says nothing and continues to edging closer. Leans over me and picks me up. He basically carries me like a baby to my closet and slowly sits me down.

"Now let's pick out an outfit for you to wear to the gathering." He says to me.
I pick up a burgundy crop top and wave it in his face.
"That would look good with a pair of black ripped shorts and some white converse." He says to me raiding my closet.
"Here," I say handing him the shorts and converse.
"You're going to look so cute in this." He says with a smile.
"You did pick it out like every other outfit I own." I say to him.

We kill some time talking about the latest gossip and where we plan to go on vacation. Like usual he has everything already planned and paid in advance. He is honestly so organized compared to me. It takes me fifteen minutes before I leave to actually get a reservation, while he's had the hotel booked three months prior asking me if I wanted to go.


"Hurry up, Laura!" Matt yells banging on the bathroom door.
"I'm trying to put on this outfit!" I yell back at him.
"Do you need any help?" He ask from the door.
"Uh, yeah!" I say and open the door,"Can you untangle this necklace for me?"
"Ugh, fine." He says.
He hands me the necklace and I thank him.
"Wow, I'm really good at women's fashion." He says looking me up and down.
"Shut up and let's hurry to your house." I say grabbing my wallet and phone.

We run down the stairs and lock the front door behind me. Quickly driving to his house so he has plenty of time to get ready and because he was the host.

When we get to his house it's 9:34pm. He quickly unlocks the front door and runs upstairs. I decide to stay downstairs until he's ready.

"Follow me!" He yells from the top of the stairs.

I quickly run up the stairs and into his bedroom. He throws the shirt off from earlier and puts in his closet. He throws on a red no sleeve hoodie and some black ripped jeans.

"That actually makes your muscles pop even more." I say admiring his appearance.
He rolls his eyes and fixes his hair.

By 10:30pm guest start arriving. Mostly male athletes who Matt hangs out with. I walked outside to admire the stars when I notice an unfamiliar face outside. It matches the descriptions Matt's new neighbor. He's honestly pretty attractive from the distance I'm at.

"Hey," I hear somebody say behind me.
I turn around and say,"Hey." I instantly notice it's Matt's new neighbor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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