Daehwi removed his headphones and look at the person on the door who stand with cross arms. He gives him a smile.

Now that Daehwi's face is on the view, Woojin didn't regret coming here in almost speed of light. No matter how thick  the makes ups and fake smiles Daehwi tries to suit on his face, Woojin will see him through. He cried. Again.

Bae Jinyoung, I'm really going to punch your handsome face when I get back home.

Daehwi chuckles at the expression of his hyung, brushing his hair upwards because his damn nervous he got caught again.

"Hyung It's not like that" Daehwi sighed.

"He didn't come, right" Said Woojin not really asking but more of stating.

Daehwi sighed again in exhaustion, drinking on his cocoa liquid to swallow the lump on his throat. He should not cry right now, he already cried in front of his Jaehwan hyung.

"It's not his fault though, I get too excited at the thought of us going together that I forgot that he said that he's going try not going to make it"

Woojin walk closer to his dongsaeng, putting his hands on the now orange crown of Daehwi in attempt to comfort him. He's not good at it though, he's more used on arguing none stop with Daehwi where he always lose because this kid has a tongue of a viper that he also use to laugh at Woojin, but now he looks more small and defeated.

"Stop crying, Hwi. There's other chance okay?" Said Woojin as he look at his brother with sympathy.

Daehwi shakes his head on either sides looking at Woojin, eyes already glossy.  "I don't think there is hyung. " he started. Woojin's brows almost meet together. " I'll give up hyung" he added as the first tear drop.

Woojin holds Daehwi's face between his hands, brushing the tears frantically using his thumb. "Daehwi, don't. You just need to be more patient and persistent."

Daehwi pull himself away form Woojin and scoff bitterly. "It's not like yours and Hyungseob's loves story hyung. It's just not the same"

Woojin pull him again. "Listen Hwi, Hyungseob didn't give up on me and now look at us, we're happy. If he didn't stay up with the oblivious me I'm sure we're going to regret it. I want you to be happy Hwi"

Of course Daehwi new that. He was there when Hyungseob ask him anything about Woojin. Daehwi even try to stop Hyeongsob for falling to Woojin.

"That Hyung is a complete idiot. Don't waste your time on him Sobbie hyung." Said Daehwi when Hyeongsob sit beside him during their lunch. They're both having their meal late because they chose to practice first before eating, come out, they are the only people on this four walled room.

"I really like him Daehwi-ah"

Daehwi raise his brow at the hyung besides him.

"There are lot of people here who's better than him hyung, what did you see on Woojin?"

"You can't stop a person who wants something Hwi, believe me. And That's Woojin hyung for you" Hyungseob said with a small smile.

"That's disgusting" Daehwi grimaced.

Hyeongsob only laugh at him. " You need to get used to it sooner, I'm confident on stealing your hyung"

Daehwi just roll his eyes and wave it off. "Please do. I can't stand his idiocy anymore but seriously, don't you feel tired chasing after him or you're just really that hopeless?"

Hyungseob only chuckles again, munching on the last piece of meat on his meal before answering. "That's not hopelessness Hwi,  that's love" he replied dreamily.

Daehwi frown at him again.


Now come to think of it, aren't he on the same place where Hyeongsob stand before? Loving silently. It's funny how he can't apply those advice to himself. There are people who's better than Jinyoung, what's so special about him that Daehwi couldn't find to other? More importantly, why can't he be as adamant as Hyeongsob when he's also very much in love.

Daehwi look at his so called idiot hyung who return the look confusedly.

"You're not going out of your mind right?" Woojin ask worriedly.

Daehwi just chuckles again, ignoring his hyung.

That's because Woojin hyung is just an oblivious idiot not a heartless person who throws away someone's effort...

Daehwi finally realized.

I'll Give Up ( JinHwi ) Where stories live. Discover now