Chapter 2

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The next day I was back to the regular routine. Getting yelled at if I didn't get the right color of foundation or something stupid like that, but I didn't really care about anything that day. All I could think about is him. His brown eyes , his Scottish accent and just everything about him. " Dawn, Dawn!" I snapped out of my day dream and replied to the voice "Yes?" I said lazily. I noticed it was Jenna. She came closer and said angrily" What are you doing! You missed almost half of your lunch break!" I gave her a smile and said "Inside voices." She huffed and said "Just hurry, I'm not saving your spot any longer than five more minutes." She walked off and didn't look back. I decided to not join the rest of the crew and work extra since I was trying to impress my sister to maybe get a raise, hopefully. While I was pondering about my future I smelt something burning I turned around and one of the make up stations was on fire and it was spreading fast the fire alarm went off but the fire sprinklers were not going off.I saw the station and saw it was Jenna's station. She likes lighting candles while she works. I saw the small purple candle tipped over on her station. A piece off wood that was on fire fell in front of me. I turned around and at that moment reminding myself there were no exits in that direction I was trapped smoke filled the room I dropped down to the ground. I cried help from the top of my lungs. I started to cry. To myself I said " This is the end." I started to pass out, but then at that moment I felt someone pick me up. My eyes shut and all I saw was darkness.

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