Chapter One:

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"WOO HOO"Horizon screamed flying to the top of the palace tower.She landed on one of the spires, spreading her wing cautiously trying to keep balance. "Horizon,"

Starfighter gasped finally catching up to her, landing on the shingles of the tower jabbing his claws into the wood and mineral mixture that was the color of onyx. "You are too obnoxious and can't just stay still for one second."

Horizon yawned dramatically. "Ooh, big words, " she mocked. "I can sit still when I'm sleeping." Starfighter giggled. "That doesn't count you ninny!" Horizon whacked him with her tail, knocking him off balance but he caught himself only to grin at her affectionately. "Horizon!" Anemone called to her from the palace window." Three moons, can't I stay out longer mom?" Horizon whined.

Grandma wants to see you, she said it's important"

Anemone said." Oh alright,if I have to." Horizon replied,

turning back to Starfighter. "I-I'll see you later you big affectionate sook." she joked. "Yeah, see you later." he replied feeling sad but gave her a smile anyways, waving goodbye.

Anemone walked Horizon to the throne room since she'd never had to go to something so important that her grandma was involved.Well honestly she's involved with everything because it is her kingdom, even though Horizon had never met her grandmother.

"Now don't get scared of grandma okay?" Anemone stammered. "She might look intimidating on the outside but she's honestly just a big love bird." Horizon rolled her crimson eyes. "Don't worry mom it'll be fine." Horizon did have some skywing body parts other than her eyes. Her wings were obviously large and the membrane was the color of the sun when it runs away to die over the peaks.

All her scales except her underbelly and some parts of her face, were a turquoise but more blue than green in this beautiful ratio. Her under scales were the same color as her wings as were the fins that went down her spine and the fins in between her talons. her horns were the color of her eyes and so were her markings that showed the seawing sides of her biology.

"Here we are, the throne room." Anemone said spreading out one wing almost theatrically. "Thank you mother."

Horizon said hugging her mother thinking, I hope everything goes well. Horizon waved at the guards who bowed to her for the fact of her royalty in two places,as the opened the heavy midnight dark oak doors. "Princess Horizon." Queen Ruby said bowing her head."Queen Ruby" Horizon said tucking in a wing and spreading out another. Queen Ruby laughed at small but a type up laugh that sounded full of life to come. "You, can just call me grandmother if you don't mind." Horizon raised her eyebrows. "She's very considerate." Horizon thought.

"You seem surprised," Ruby said squinting at her, as if by looking at Horizon she could unfold what she was thinking like some nightwings. "It's just, I thought you'd be more... not so loving." Ruby gave her a look like she did know what she was thinking. "Oh I understand," she started. "Don't worry, I'm nothing like my mother if that's what you mean."

Horizon let out a not exactly relieved sigh but a 'I'm so embarrassed in front of all these dragons' sigh. She looked around the room to see the queen's advisers, guards, and sons and daughters who stood beside her on the throne.

The throne was actually the perfect color of a golden sun with stands of gold sprouting out of it to represent it's fire like rays.

"So," Ruby said clapping her talons together which startled Horizon so much she jumped so high it looked like she was slowly but definitely surely returning to the world. "So, with out further ado I should probably start to discuss why I brought you here for this meeting, first reason, I wanted to meet my granddaughter and the second reason is actually about your grandmother, Coral." Horizon's eyes grew so wide, like two of the three moons in the sky. "Oh yes ,and the worst part is the reason it's about your grandmother."

Horizon couldn't take it anymore to the point where she wanted to claw her ears of just so she didn't have to hear this. "She threatened to wipe out the skywing tribe if we didn't let her see you."

On the Horizon. (wings of fire based)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang