(3) tomb raider [2018], (4) the aviator

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(3) tomb raider [2018] [film]

i haven't seen the OG tomb raider but alicia vikander's was soooo good! i had to hold my breath all through out because of how intense the scenes are.

if it were a normal, actual person doing what lara croft goes through, they would have been dead!! but an action movie is an action movie.

rating: 9.5/10

(4) the aviator [film]

at first it was amazing how successful howard hughes was in his career but as the movie progresses and his illness started to get worsen, anyone who watches this will feel bad and pitiful. leonardo's acting skills are undeniably good and if he won an oscar for this one, i know he would have deserved it.

rating: 10/10

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