Chapter Two

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We were placed in a luxurious bus, am I counted up to twenty young ladies including myself and a unique thing I also saw is that all the project personel in which I have seen were humans, the driver informed us to buckle our seatbelts and I did as instructed, the girl sitting by my side said while extending her hand"am Carol",I smile and replied "am Loveth",and that's how Carol started talking and never stopped until they got to the space station,well I did enjoy her conversation she made me remember Sonia ,we all vacated the luxurious bus and we're directed towards the garage and behold there is a huge spaceship,before the event of the aliens we humans made spaceship which may contain two to ten people but these type in which the Zodiac brought where  way bigger and different in structure more refine if I may add, before we were ushered inside a human lady came and addressed us saying once we entered the ship we are never coming back to earth on less with our intended, this I took as bullshit cause I definitely am coming back and with Sonia.They also addressed us that the ride there is a bunny ride so we were all administered each a pill which the lady said are sleeping pill. I usually thought that it was impossible to dream at noon but this day proved me wrong,cause I did dream I dreamt that I saw Sonia being held captive by a very big and scary Zodian, she was pleading for my help but I was helpless and wasn't able to assist her in anyway, that was when I woke up gabbing for air I felt like I wasn't able to breathe  I noticed that I wasnt in the spaceship anymore but am now in a room that is so bright and I could hear the beeping of machines that seems familiar to the ones I heard when grandma was rushed to the hospital last year,then I saw a guy who was wearing a doctor coat and the guy seems to be taller than any person I have ever seem before,far too handsome and huge to be a human,he was checking out a file ,when he saw that I was awake he smiled and that's when I noticed that the huge, handsome guy had huge canine that definitely looks very dangerous I screamed out in fear"ja!!!" then the guy said while smiling "well that's a first" I then felt someone restrainting me at the other side of the bed that's when I noticed the red eyes, I screamed loudly then the one restrainting me said while also smilimg "what's the first? " the one on coat said"she screamed ja" then they both started smiling, the one on doctor's coat said"is alright, humans are usually scared cause of our fangs and red eyes but we ain't that scary",I replied back,with a smile...
I have lost count of how many days I have been in this place but I have learnt somethings, the doctor here is very friendly his name is Ozana and all the nurses seens fine,i have also noticed that all of them have red eyes and huge canines,I and Ozana have had alot of disscusions one which includes their origin, I was told that it was as a result of  them that the legendary of vampire came into existence but he said not all details in lengends are truth and that the detail about drinking blood is false,he also informed me that they have found a suitable match for me and that I should get ready,that my male is coming tomorrow..I was so happy because I know the quicker I leave this place the quicker I can find Sonia and we can both leave this godforsaken place..........

          I have also noticed that when  the doctors and nurses are asleep that's when we the humans are awake so it seems our body regulations are different, and that the sun doesn't really shines here it just shows his head for a few minutes then goes down, the sun was up now but the foolish Zodians are yet to wake up, even if the doctors are nice to me I can never forget my main aim of being here, NEVER! "hello loveth " doctor Ozana greeted while ntering the room, I replied to his greetings then he said"General Ganazo is in the visiting room,he is waiting to see you" I  only nodded then stood up and followed the nice doctor to the visiting room on getting there he said out loud "she is here Sir"the other person in the room was still staring out the window didn't even acknowledge our presence,Doc smiled and gave me a soft squeeze on my right arm before leaving , please don't  close the door behind you. I thought but if seems he didn't hear my silent plead cause he did lock the door,i was still standing at the door, feeling uncomfortable being left alone with this unknown Zodian I felt cold which I have never felt since coming here this particular Zodian seems different from  Doc he seems taller too and his shoulders seems tense, he turned facing me  andhat I saw shocked me to my bones his eyes and canine's are like the others I have seems but this one wasn't as handsome as the others he had huge, ugly scars on his faces that made me looked away from his face, then he said , no more like stated  "I see my face irritates you"his voice sends chill to my body, the voice wasn't friendly but I had no idea why my body reacted to his like that, he resumed facing the window then said "if I agree to take you in as my human the only time you will see me is when we want to mate" he sigh then shouted "stop chilvering" I felt like I have been slapped I moved back and my back hit the door, I knew I was chilvering but had no idea why, now that I wasn't seeing his face I looked at his back and noticed that his hair is jet black and short he used his left hand to mess up his hair before he id"get out"i didn't go as he commanded immediately because I was too busy taking in very expect of his body well expect his face, "get the heck out!" he yelled at me,I didn't wait to be told a third time before I tried unlocking the door but the door refused to work with me as a result of my shaking hands  but thankfully I was able to unlock the door and I left the visiting room....... I walked pass doctor Ozana who was yelling for me to wait but I didn't wait,on entering my room I locked my door then sat on the bed and the tears kept on running down my face, I can't fail on this my quest, if it was Sonia she would have saved me by now, if I don't leave this place how will I see and save Sonia, the opportunity to leave this place definitely don't we wanna take me out of here, I f**ked up, even if his face is ugly why did I how my irritation? why did my entire body freeze upon hearing his voice?I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on the door "you know, locking of doors are unacceptable, please loveth open the door and let's talk like the matured people we are" said doctor from the other side of the door, I sigh then stood up and opened my door, but Doc didn't enter he just relax at the door then said"come on baby girl talk to me" I went back to sit on the bed then said "he definitely  won't take me, right?"  I looked up at Doc's face then I saw confusion he looked taken aback "he processed the necessary documents to take you in before he left" now am the one surprised "really? " he nodded I stood up in joy,danced my happy dance, for those of you that don't know my happy dance it entails me moving from left to right three mes then shaking my ass from left to right three times again, Sonia sometimes do it with me, I really miss her, I hugged him even if I  felt like a little child hugging her father he hugged me back then said "you seems different from the other human girls that I have seem  here , the other girls come here usually for adventure or to get paired with a handsome  Zodian but you seem different like you just wanna leave this place and look for something else in this planet "he liked at me as if he was trying to figure me out the he added"or are you just tired of me",I laughed and he joined me "the General is coming tomorrow to take you to his place, so dear, I think you need your beauty sleep","but am not yet sleepy " I told Doc he smiled then said"okay let's talk before you sleep, what do you wanna know?"that's one of the first things I noticed about DC, he talks way toothings I noticed about DC, he talks way too much for a medical professional, I thought before answering "tell me about the Zodian who is my intended"he gave me a Wolfie grin then said"we don't tell human about their intended we only tell them how to behave during mating"i frown then said "you mean when you  literally taught us sex education with your kind" he smiled then nodded,, I pout then asked with  teary eyes "please do tell me about my intended so I know how to behave properly in front of him" he gave me a weak smile and I knew have won, "okay, all you need to know is that your intended is one of the three Generals we have in Zodiac and he is well respected thats all am saying" I was about to give him volume two of my teary eyes then he said quickly "night night!"  before rushing out of my room I laugh out loud then shouted"night Night Doc!" I slept off to dreamland where all I dreamt about was a certain Zodian with scars on his faces .............

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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