It was odd. Hollem remembered how desperate she had been, but at the same time, she took to him far too quickly and strongly, too. "She needed the job. But maybe she needed the money more?" He asked, his tone thoughtful. 

Amia leaned forward, grasping Hollem's knee between his hands for leverage. "That could make sense. My uncle has plenty of money to slip anyone willing to do what he wants." 

Hollem reached forward, wrapping his left arm around Amia's middle to slowly pull him backward so that his full weight wasn't on his knee. "He has a point. I remember him saying that his uncle had offered to pretty much buy his favor, but he had refused." 

That got everyone's attention, but to Hollem's surprise, Abel, the magistrate's lover, was the one to speak first. "Why did you decline? Are you not comfortable around your uncle? If he followed you all the way here and you were not intent on sending him away, then I can only think that he'd had your affections before?" 

Hollem felt Amia squirm beneath his arm, which he'd left lightly wrapped around his middle to keep him steady. 

"Yes, we shared... physical attentions, but I am most definitely not attracted to him." Amia replied, earning a raised eyebrow from madam Maria. 

"I highly doubt that you have been attracted to most of your clients while working as a prostitute, yet you have one you know and have spent time with offering you financial safety in return for some attention. It seems strange to decline such an offer." She said. 

Hollem was curious, too, as to why Amia had declined the offer. Most whores dreamed of the day that someone would take them away from their life and treat them well. Perhaps it was Amia's dream, too, but not with his uncle? 

Amia was quiet for a few moments as he thought over her words. When he spoke, he did so with a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't think that he's willing to provide the safety I want in such a situation." 

His response drew a frown to Hollem's lips, catching madam Maria's attention unintentionally. She raised an eyebrow at him but he disregarded it. 

"Alright. I'm glad that you declined his offer, if that's your reasoning. I must say that I agree with you, too. If he is willing to try and drug you, whether by using someone else or with his own hand, I do not want you around him." 

Amia tilted his head, likely about to speak, when madam Maria lifted a hand to silence him. 

"You are one of my own, now. If you are uncomfortable around someone, I want you nowhere near them any longer. That is it." She stated with finality before turning her attention to the magistrate and his love. 

"Now then, I do believe that Lauriette and Amia's uncle aren't the only ones in on this issue. You gave me a new maid a while ago, and while she's been working somewhat well, she still doesn't make me feel like I should trust her." 

Kirin nodded as he leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. As if on cue, Abel grasped onto his left arm with a hand, clearly not even thinking about the gesture, since he was completely focused on the conversation. For some reason, Hollem's own hand slid slightly beneath Amia's shirt to press against his belly and nudge him the slightest bit further into his lap. 

"She is a nasty one. You've been doing a wonderful job keeping an eye on her though, madam. We appreciate your help with this punishment." Kirin said, earning a wave of madam Maria's hand in response. 

"It is quite alright. I needed another basic worker and you pulled through. She doesn't look half bad when she's not scowling, too." 

Abel chuckled. "I'm glad she's finally being useful instead of stalking after lord Rule." 

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