I smiled and I took out my outfit for dinner and hung it up so it wouldn't be wrinkled for tonight. I also hung up my outfit for tomorrow. When I was finished and I went to the bathroom to freshen up, I walked back out into the living room where my brother and Tom were waiting.

"You ready to go?" Harry asked.

"Yep!" I exclaimed and we left the hotel and made our way to Disneyland.

The drive wasn't long and before I knew it we were here. Disneyland. I couldn't keep my excitement in and it showed all over my face I assumed because I heard my brother laughing. But I didn't care. We were at Disneyland! I thanked our driver and we got out of the car.

When we walked through the gates and entered into the park I couldn't stop the smile that was on my face. It was just like how I remembered it to be.

The bustling street of Main Street was filled with people. Parents, kids, teenagers all walking down this street. The shops all had something different they were selling. Whether it was food, drinks, clothes, stuffed animals, they had it all. Anything a Disney fan would want they had. Walking further down Main Street was the castle. Sleeping Beauty's castle. It was absolutely beautiful!

I turned around to my brother who was talking to Tom about something and I handed him my phone and demanded, in the sweetest way I possibly could, a picture in front of the castle. Which he just laughed and took a picture of me. I handed my phone to Tom and asked politely if he could take a picture of Harry and I and he smiled and said of course.

Harry and I did one real picture of us smiling and one funny picture of us making funny faces. When I looked at them started laughing. We looked ridiculous. But I absolutely loved it.

We kept walking and I didn't realize how crowded this place was. I mean it wasn't like jammed pack with people but for a Saturday in June it was pretty crowded. We still haven't gone on a ride yet when we started to draw attention. People started noticing who we are. I knew that because people would keep looking at us and whispering. Which I really didn't mind or anything I was just here to have fun with my brother.

When we finally did go on our first ride it was the Peter Pan's flight ride. I pretty much told Harry that this was the first ride we were going on. I love Peter Pan. I loved the fact of never growing up. Life is so much easier when your young. Believe me, I'd know. You have no real responsibilities that you have to do. It's great. But alas in the real world you do grow up so for now I just like to live vicariously through a Disney movie.

A bunch of rides later and I was beat. It was 3:30 when my brother and I sat down on a bench in the middle of the park after going on our like 20th ride. I've met a bunch of people and have hugged a lot of little girls dressed in Princess dresses and I was tired. Today has been one of the best days I've had in a very long time.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked. "I made us a dinner reservation for 7:30." He said.

"Yeah I just want to go look in some of the stores first and see if I want to buy a few things first." I said.

"Okay. Lets go." He said and we made our way back to Main Street.

When we got there we were about to walk into a store when my brothers phone started to ring. He looked down at it and sighed.

"I have to take this. I'll just wait out here for you for when your done." He said.

"Okay Harry." I said and he walked over to a bench. I looked at Tom and told him to go guard Harry that I was just going to be in the shops. He nodded and went over to my brother.

I walked into a store and bought myself a few clothes that I liked. Today I felt like a real kid. The last time I was here with my Grandfather, I was young and yeah I had an amazing time at the time I thought it would always be like this. I thought my childhood would always be like this. I unfortunately found out the hard way that that wasn't the case. So being here in Disney today definitely made me feel like a little kid and how a child would act when they came to Disney for the first time. Thats what I felt like. And I knew that tomorrow I was going to have to step back into my roll as a Princess but for one day, one day I felt like a semi normal kid.

I was so deep in thought that I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped right into someone and fell onto my butt. That sure woke me up from my deep thoughts.

"I am so sorry!" The person exclaimed as he gave me his hand and helped me up.

"No it was my fault, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going, so I'm sorry for bumping into you." I said.

When I looked up at the guy my breath caught in my throat. Standing in front of me was a very very good looking guy. He looked to be about my age, or a year or two older. He had short brown wavy hair, he was at least 5'10. He had beautiful hazel eyes that I could just get lost in. He had tan skin and for someone that was at an amusement park he was dressed very well. Wearing a white button down shirt with the first two buttons not buttoned, and some blue shorts. He actually looked very posh looking.

He was staring at me and I couldn't stop the blush from rising to my cheeks.

"Do I know you?" He asked. And I could hear that he had an accent. Which made me think he wasn't from England or France because it wasn't a French accent that I heard.

"That depends have you heard of the Royal family from England?" I asked.

"Well yes, of course who doesn't know the Royal Family." He said and I smiled at him and stuck my hand out.

"Hi I'm Princess Hazel." I said with a smile. The look on his face almost made me laugh. He was in complete shock.

"My apologize Princess for not recognizing you and bumping into you. Now I really feel bad." He said and shook my hand.

"Like I said it was my fault for not paying attention. And for not recognizing me that's okay too. I can hear from your accent that your not from England or France. Am I right?" I asked.

"Yes, you're right. I'm from Germany. My name is Christian. My father is a very wealthy man, which is why I'm dressed like this in Disney. Appearance is everything no matter where you are." He said. But I could tell he was kinda annoyed with that. He wanted to be a kid and dress like, well like me in Disney. I could tell that's how he felt.

"Well its nice to meet you Christian." I said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you too Hazel." He said. "This is going to sound weird and straight forward but I want to continue talking to you. Do you think I can have your number?" He asked.

Now as a Princess I should of said no. I mean I didn't know this guy and we only talked for like 5 minutes so how could I know if anything he was telling me was actually true. But for some reason something inside of me was telling me that this was okay and that I should give him my number.

"I normally don't do this but yes you can have my number." I said. He smiled and took his phone out and unlocked it and then handed it to me. I smile and put my number in his phone and then handed it back to him.

"Thank you. I will definitely send you a text later." He said. I smiled and I wanted to say more but when I looked passed him I saw my brother now, standing just across the way watching us with Tom.

"I'm sorry Christian but I really have to go. It was nice meeting you though." I said and not even giving him a chance to respond I casually ran over to my brother with my shopping bag in hand.

"Who was that?" Harry asked as we walked out of the park.

"Oh no one. Just someone I met." I said with a smile.

"Sure....."He said not believing me one bit.

But it was true. Sort of. It was someone I just met. I just left out the part about me giving my number to a complete stranger, from a different country, that I thought was rather attractive. Yeah Harry doesn't need to know that. Nope.

But the entire way back to the car I couldn't stop thinking about the blue eye German that I met at the happiest place on Earth.

****OMG two new chapters out in an actual reasonable time. Holy Crap! Who would of thought! But anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I apologize if you wanted me to write more about the rides they went on but I've never been to Disneyland Paris so I was just going off of what I could find online, so I didn't want to go into too many details. I hope you like that ending though. Definitely unexpected but I felt like there needed to be something unexpected that happened in Disney. If you have anymore suggestions leave them in the comments and let me know what you think! Hopefully the next chapter will also be up at a reasonable time. We'll see.

Living in my families shadows (Royal family story) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now