Louis imagine.

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Your POV.

I cried as I scrolled through the comments. I couldn't take it. Louis doesn't know I selfharm. I'm 2 months clean I was proud of myself. & I thought I was finally slipping out of depression. But apparently not. Louis wasn't home for another hour. He was at a signing.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom. The tears streaming down my face. I shut the bathroom door and slid down the wall. I grabbed my razor that I hid in the draw under the sink. I slid it across my almost healed scars. I whimpered at the sight of blood. I cut my skin again. and again. Just then I heard the front door open and close.

"(Y/N?)" Louis called. I panicked. I grabbed a small towel, and ran it under cold water. I wrapped it around my so the scars would stop bleeding. I chucked on a hoodie and went downstairs.

"There you are." He says.

"How was the signing?" I asked while hugging him with one arm.

"Yeah, it was pretty good." He says. "What were you doing upstairs." He asked.

"Oh.. um.. I was making the bed." I said.

"But I made it this morning." He says.

"I had a nap, before," I said.

"Oh Kay." He says.

Louis POV


(Y/N) was in my arms as we watched tv. I looked down at her and smiled and she looked up at me and smiled too. My smile quickly faded when my eye drawer to her arm. Her sleeve was pulled up a bit and I could see scars on her wrist.

"(Y/N).." I whispered taking her wrist.

She tried to pull her wrist back. But I tightened my grip.

"What is this? Why??" I said as tears started forming in eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." She whispered. Tears started falling from her eyes. I kissed her scars lightly as a small sobs escaped her lips.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" I asked.

"Because the hate. I already hated my life, but the hate makes it worse." She cried.

"Why didn't you tell me this was happening. I could of helped you." I asked wiping a tear from underneath her eye.

"Because you're a busy person and I didn't want to bother you." She said.

"(Y/N), if something this bad happens you need to tell me straight away." I said.

"Okay, I will next time." She says.

"Hopefully there won't be a next time. We'll get through this together. If you want to cry and fall apart. I'll hold you, I'll comfort you. I'll try to make it all better. You won't be alone. I'm not going to leave you alone. I love you too much (Y/N)." I said kissing her forehead.

She smiled hugged me.

"I love you too Louis." She said.


Hey. Do you like this?? I wrote this a while ago but I never ended up posting it. I have another Louis one, and a Harry and a Niall one that I'll post throughout this week. Please comment and give me feedback. ily :) xx ~Becky.

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