Akiko grasped your hands, tightly. Maybe if she held on long enough you wouldn't let go.

"Tell me everything when you get back."

You beamed and gave her hands a light squeeze.






"It sounds like [L/Name] was a lot more cheerful back then, huh?"

Kimiko nods energetically in response to Uraraka's observation. Her short, curled hair bounces with the movement. "Yeah! And I was super~ mean!"

Kaminari sweatdrops. "It's hard to imagine you like that, though. It's like you and [L/Name] switched personalities."

"It wasn't as bad as this," Kojii says, crossing his arms. "Actually, she was even quieter than [Name]. She became way more bubbly around. . ."

He trails off, frowning.

". . .around two weeks ago. When [Name] made their debut."

Midoriya narrows his eyes slightly, contemplating. That can't be a coincidence.

Akiko sighs. "It was such a sudden change, too. Honestly, how do you not get tired bouncing around like that? I feel exhausted just watching you."

Kimiko grins in response. She pokes the student president's cheek with a claw, playfully. "The last thing [Name] would want is for us to be sad. It used to be their job, making us happy. They're. . .not, anymore," she says, trailing off at the end.

"Someone's got to do it! So I thought I'd step up to the task." Her voice grows more spirited. "I'll wait for however long it takes. Until [Name] is ready. But man, I hope it's soon. This job's tougher than you'd think!"

Kimiko laughs, a happy ringing. It chimes, sweetly, like bells.


You wake up from your nap, still drowsy. The window of your dorm room lets in an unwelcome light from the crack in your curtains. Grumbling, you reach blindly for your phone, which you had thrown somewhere on your bed before you had collapsed unceremoniously onto your soft sheets.

8 new messages from Katie. You close your eyes, letting a heavy breath out. That's right. You had suddenly stopped texting her while you got caught up in talking with Aki; poor Katie must be so confused.

You type out a quick reply before rising. Stretching, you get off your bed and run your tongue over your lips. Your mouth is dry.

You walk across your dorm room to your kitchenette. Despite having free meals prepared by your dorm mates downstairs you cooked most of your food, excluding breakfast. Opening your fridge, you push aside the grocery bags you were too lazy to unpack and reach in the back for a water bottle.

You grope about at cold, empty air.

Frowning, you peer inside at the shelves. To your dismay, there is only one more bottle left. With a tired sigh you take it before closing the door. You will have to go downstairs to the kitchen and grab more.

You crack the bottle open and take a sip before grabbing your ID card. You step into the hallway and lock the door behind you, then make your way to the elevator.

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