Start-Over Chapter1: Boring

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Same day, same classes, and same boring life. You probably thought I was one of those guys who are popular with the girl's, had perfect grades, and at the very least have a super power of some sort but nope. I am at the bottom of the food chain and I can't do anything about it but by your 2nd year at Kibō Academy "where we hope to give you the life you want" you kind of get how things operate such as this social food chain.

March 9th , year 2021 the day my life changed.

I am the kind of guy you might find in the library reading a cringy romance/action book others might say you're a nerd or geek or other things that might actually be true but I don't look into those things. I try to say stuff like "Do your best and maybe something good might happen" but I ever since both of my parents passed luck hasn't been on my side. I tried to be somewhat cool but failed repeatedly like for example I tried to sit with some girls at lunch and immediately got pushed away but I could handle that much lucky it wasn't a full on punch.

As the bells rang for us to go home a familiar face got my attention as he ran with my friend Andrew's glasses into music room. Instruments leaned across walls and desks a class had just ended, as I follow the familiar figure into farthest room. light shines a doorway I didn't recognize as the light fades as the door closes I catch a glimpse of the figure wearing my school's senior uniform it was weird to see someone holding my friend's glasses and not go home straight away. As I these thoughts roam my mind I enter the room with curiosity I see the glasses on a desk with piece of paper next to it. "Write what life you desire and sign your full name below" as I turn the page over to my small amazement a page of rules from 1 – 3.

1: In your new life you can't force emotions from others.

2: You can bring one thing from this life to the next. (no living being)

3: If you choose to accept your new life you will be granted one do-over in your previous life but will immediately be pulled back to your other life and will have to start that life again. (can't be used in the new life)

It's a prank, a joke this can't be real but as I looked around I didn't see the person I was exactly chasing he had vanished. He must of ran while I was distracted but anyway I grab the paper and Andrew's glasses and head home.

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