A Mysterious Stranger

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Ruby, at age eight, had no idea who she wanted to be. She didn't have any siblings whatsoever: no older siblings to be role models or younger siblings to bring out a sense of responsibility. She loved to draw and shoot hoops by herself at the basketaball net her family owned (which had been lowered considerably just for her.) She didn't want to draw or play sports for a living, though- that would wear out all the fun quickly. However, she couldn't think of anything else. Her father had tried to convince her that a job as a lawyer (his profession) would be fun. But Ruby knew better; she had seen him sit at his desk all day long- what eight-year-old wants to do that?

Ruby got out her favorite piece of chalk - a red, egg-shaped piece - and drew 10 squares to play hopscotch, another one of her favorite pastimes. The piece of chalk was close to her favorite color, ruby red. Her real name was Emily; however, everyone called her Ruby the color. As she played hopscotch, she saw a blonde girl - tall, skinny, and about 16 - run past. Ruby must have been told a million times never to talk to strangers, but three things seemed wrong: 1.) no one was ever in a rush in the calm, serene, small town, Gullsbrew, the (might I say oddly named) town Ruby called home 2.) speaking of Gullsbrew being a small town, Ruby knew everyone in the area, and outside visitors practically never came, so it was suspicious that Ruby didn't recognize the girl's face 3.) the mysterious teenager perfectly resembled Ruby's mother, except for looking much younger. Ruby's instincts told her to keep playing hopscotch, but she just had to find out why the stranger was in such a rush. So Ruby ran down the sidewalk in the direction she had seen the girl go without thinking twice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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