"Like mine?"

The blond nods. "I just don't get them as much nowadays. I've been keeping myself in check so I don't feel as overwhelmed with my grief and anxiety. Besides, having you here helps more than you'll ever know." He kisses Bucky again because he just can't help himself. "I wish I could kiss you forever," he mumbles against Bucky's lips.

Bucky chuckles. "You and me both, pal."

"Thing is, Buck," Steve starts, "it's different now. The world is, I mean. Oh, Bucky, you should'a seen it." Steve's crying again, but his smile's only grown sad. He shook his head and went to speak again when he gasps. "You can!"

"I can?"

"Yeah, hang on!" Steve leaps across the room, shirt flapping around him as he snags his tablet. "I know you already know a lot about the 21st century, but this... this is gonna blow your mind."

Bucky looks weary. "I barely have a mind left to be blown."

Steve just beams and taps away at the device. "Ready?" He sits beside him, the tablet in the middle of them. "Hit the screen."

The brunet rolls his eyes and hits the . A newsreel starts to play. An older man stands before a television that's playing some slide show thing with a bunch of people in holding up signs and flags. He's holding a card and says, "Today, in one of the most momentous civil rights decisions in its history. The Supreme Court of the United States found that gay and lesbian Americans have a constitutional right to marry."

"Gay is the new word for queer," Steve supplies as the man continues talking. Pictures of people celebrating in front of the court building are on the screen.

Bucky hates to admit that Steve was right. That is mind blowing. He keeps watching. He watches as men kiss men and women hold up their wedding rings. People of all ages, all in love with the same sex and its being broadcasted on television. "How long ago was this?"

"June 26th, 2015. I watched it live and freaked out," Steve tells him, resting his head on Bucky's metal shoulder. "We were on a mission in Britain I believe and we were all just hanging out, trying to unwind when a similar story popped up on the news. I panicked and ran."

"You ran?" Bucky gasps.

Steve nods. "I didn't know what else to do! I was just barely in tune with this century and I've had so many hiccups when it comes to gay stuff that I didn't want the others to see me blubbering over the ruling. That's how Sam found out. He chased me until I broke. And then I confided in him about you."

Bucky sets the tablet down and lift Steve's chin off his shoulder. "Steve, I don't think I want-"

"Neither do I," Steve says quickly. "It's just nice to know we have that option, but old habits die hard."

A kiss falls to his temple. "I love you, Stevie. You always know what's best for us. For the most part at least."

"Love you, too, Buck," Steve chuckles.


Dinners with Daisy had become a weekly event, sometimes twice. Sam joined them every now and then and when Darlene was there, so did she. It worked for them.

This week, it was just the three of them. Daisy had prepared a lovely lasagna and the three were having a great time. Bucky was slowly starting to return to civilian life, gaining his life back in more ways than one.

Bucky groans, shoveling his food into his face. "This is fantastic, Daise."

"I'm glad you like it," she laughs.

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