Juno's mouth went dry. Not only was the Resistance in need of her presence, but General Leia Organa was requesting an audience. If the infamous Leia Organa desired her presence, it had to be serious-- it would certainly be hard to worm her way out of this one. "What kind of information?" she asked, attempting to appear placid despite the spike of fear that cut through her calm like a knife.

"I don't have the authority to say," he replied.

"Captain Dameron, I really don't want to shoot you-" Juno began.

"Then don't," Poe interrupted.

"-but I will," she continued.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't," Poe said, shooting her a smile that most certainly had worked on countless women. Unfortunately for Captain Dameron, Juno wasn't as easily charmed as most women. Admittedly, now that they were no longer being fired at, Juno had taken a moment to acknowledge his features, and discovered she liked looking at him. His well-structured was framed with soft, dark curls, and a smile never seemed far from his lips. The spark of adventure gleamed in his eyes, eyes in which anyone could get lost. Despite this, Juno refused to allow a prettyboy to distract her from what she wanted-- she had come across plenty of Poe Damerons, and she was determined to continue to out-maneuver them.

"Then tell me what the Resistance wants," she said.

"You know, this hurts," Poe said, feigning hurt with a hand held over his heart. "I thought we made a pretty good team. I thought you trusted me." The words were intended to stall her, Juno knew, but she couldn't help think he meant what he said.

"I did trust you." Juno shrugged. "I trusted you to break me out of jail."

"Well, I appreciate that," Poe said, seemingly content to take what he could get.

"You're welcome," Juno said, but the statement held no weight. "Now, tell me what the Resistance wants from me or you'll be-"

Before she could finish her threat, the numbing buzz of electricity burned through her muscles. Convulsions wracked her body and she collapsed, hitting the glossy floor of the cockpit with a thud. Tremors swept through her muscles, and tears formed in her eyes as the current circulated through her. Eventually, the electrocution relented, and Juno's body relaxed, leaving her gasping. Through cloudy vision she watched a small, orange, circular droid roll up to her, a sound that vaguely resembling laughter emitting from within it's metal exterior.

"Juno Deimos, meet BeeBee-Ate, Beebee-Ate, meet Juno Deimos," Poe said, a triumphant grin on his face.


"JUNO DEIMOS. Daughter of Hal and Lara Deimos. Sister to Oren and Kira Deimos. Currently going by Hana Marek."

Juno and Poe had made it to the Resistance base sometime after Poe's droid thwarted her attempts to avoid being brought into Resistance custody. Upon arriving at the planet on which the base had been built-- the name of which Poe neglected to share with her, although she suspected it was located somewhere in the Outer Rim territories-- Poe had quickly led Juno within the depths of the base, which was partially buried beneath the ground in order to keep it hidden. Juno suspected that Poe's effort to ensure Juno saw as little as possible of the planet was a safety precaution, so that in the event that she got captured by the First Order, she would be unable to describe the base in much detail. Because of this precaution, Juno had hardly managed to catch a glimpse of the outdated starfighter and pilots clad in titan uniforms crowding the landing area before she was ushered into the base.

Once inside, Juno had found herself surrounded by old tech. which seemed to originate from the time period of the Galactic Civil War. It appeared to be a running theme for the Resistance to be in possession of archaic machinery-- unlike the First Order, the Resistance didn't exactly have an endless stream of credits to support whatever new weaponry that was continuously being pumped out of factories-- and it was yet another area in which the First Order was superior to the Resistance. If she carried doubts about the uprising before, her negative thoughts were only reinforced the more she saw of the base. No matter how passionate the Resistance fighters were about their cause, Juno knew the time would come when the First Order would descend upon the Resistance, crushing them like they did to all others that opposed them.

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