Chapter Two

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Ayano's POV:

It's was already Monday, time to face another day of acting.

Acting, huh?

I'm so sick of acting, having my emotions wear a mask, everyday for my entire life.

School went by fast, it went by fast because of the school festival tonight.

School festival?

Suddenly, while thinking of the school festival, I felt pain and dizziness. My head was aching, I was already crying then suddenly it became all dark.

I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, all of me hurts.

Then, somebody was calling my name, over and over again. I snapped my eyes open, seeing a red haired girl with matching red glasses sitting beside me.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl

She stayed silent, looking at me like I have amnesia.

"Ummm, let's just say that you don't remember me, Ayano Aishi" she said

I looked at her, her face seems famillar but I couldn't remember where I saw her.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her

"As I said earlier, I know you but you don't know me" she said

She sighed and said, "Call me Info-chan, Ayano"

Then suddenly, I remembered something, it was the night of the school festival when I saw her, picturing something or someone.

Wait, the night of the school festival?

"Excuse me but can I ask you a question?" I asked her

"What is it?" she answered

"But what day is it?" I asked her

"It's still Monday, almost time for the school festival" she said

"But I saw you during the night of the school festival, this year" I said to her

I sound already crazy, what to do?

"You remembered what happened?" she asked

"What happened?" I asked her again

"I'll explain it to you someday but now, get up, it's already time for the festival" she said to me

Then, she got up form her seat and leaving me there, questioning myself.

I got up and exited the school's clinic and went to the gates of Akademi High.

I saw the respective tents are already pitched and that few people are already coming.

I just walked around the festival until I suddenly slipped on something, when someone catched me.

"Hey? You okay?" he asked me

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied

I examined the guy, nice hairstyle but he has the martial arts bandana and the red band that the presidents of each club wears.


"Thanks Budo" I said to him

"Wait, you know my name?" he asked me

"Everyone knows your name, the whole school population knows your name for being cute, especially for the ladies" I said to him

He pulled me up, making me stand on my own two feet, I just looked in his eyes, I just loved his eyes.

Until the moment has passed because of his goddamn friend.

"Hey Matsuta! There you are" his friend said

I looked at his friend and I saw it was just another boy but he isn't in the Martial Arts Club, I can tell

"Where have you been?" he asked Budo

"Well, I just helped out Ayano here" he replied

"Wait? You know my name?" I asked him

"No, I just guessed it" he said, laughing nervously

"I need to go, it's already late" I said to him

He nodded and waved at me, I waved back and went to the entrance gate of the school so that I can already go home and call this a day but someone was already waiting for me there.

"We meet again Ms. Aishi" the red head girl said to me

"Info-chan right?" I asked her

"I need to ask you something" she said to me

"What is it?" I asked

"Do you remember something happening like this?" she asked

What is she talking about?

"No"  I answered straightly to her

"Okay" she said and gave me a vial of something

"What's this?" I asked her

"Drink that and see me at the fountain tomorrow when school ends" she said to me and disappeared

What was that?

I went home ASAP and listened to Info-chan's instructions and drank the vial that was given to me a while ago.

I didn't felt anything after drinking that but after a few minutes, I felt my eyes dropping, I felt so sleepy so I went to my bedroom and I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, after a few minutes of sleeping, I opened my eyes fast and remembered something

"I love you Budo"

Budo x Ayano: Restart (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now