Twilight: Jasper × Bella Fluff

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   Bella was taking a shower when her favorite song came on the radio. 'Rose Garden' by Lynn Anderson was the song her grandmother used to sing to her when she was little. She hummed along to its melody and when the lyrics came, the words spread from her lips like fire and dry grass.

   While Bella was in the shower, Jasper was seated in the foyer tuning his guitar. He heard Bella singing and decided to play the guitar along with her. He was surprised, because he never expected her to take liking to 70's music. He started to sing along with her, happy that he now had a family member who shared similar tastes in music.

   Bella got out of the shower and headed downstairs, still humming to herself. In the foyer, Jasper smiled up at her and then got up and hugged her.

   "Bella, why didn't you tell me that you liked 70's music?" He asked her, still smiling.

   "You never asked." She pointed out.

   "Ok. Fair point. Would you sing that song again while I play the guitar? Please, please pretty please?!?!" She looked down embarrassed and was about to say no but when she looked back at his face she just couldn't.
   "Oh, all right." She replied.

   "Yaaaayyyy!" He screamed. He dragged her to the kitchen and they cuddled and sang the the same song over and over again. The sight that Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett came home to was terrifying, because Jasper and Bella Ser so tired that they fell asleep on the couch playing tug of war with the blanket. Alice snapped a picture and busted into hysterics, along with the rest of the Cullen family.



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