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Bella's POV

"Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine sweetie!" I heard my mom's voice as I was squinting my eyes just to see her because of the bright sunlight.

"Mom. Can you please close the curtains." I pleaded.

"No. Its already 10 in the morning. Don't you have activities for today?" She asked.

"None." I pulled my blanket and covered my face.

Mom left my room and I finally had peace. But it was broken as soon as I felt nauseous, very nauseous. I was about to vomit but I got to my toilet first. It was just down by a split second. After I vomitted I felt sick. I just walked slowly to my bed and just laid there. When my mom went back in the room she was holding a tray with my breakfast on it. It was all carbs. I suprised my mom with the phrase "Can you change that to fruits and vegetables?" I don't normally eat vegetables. And despite having my favorite food on that tray I still preferred fruits and vegetables. What in the world is wrong with me.

Mom came back with a bowl full of fruits and vegetables. Even before I started eating it I already said "Can you please ask for another bowl." and then my mom said "Since when did you start craving for that kind of food. Last time I checked your body is fine sweetie, you don't need to lose either."

Since my mom won't get me another bowl, I decided to get it myself. The people at the kitchen were looking at me and it made me a little uncomfortable.

"Isabella. What are you doing here?" One of the staff asked who looked suprised that I was there.

"Can I have another fruit bowl." The staff nodded yes. "Oh! And also can I get greek yogurt too. Just take it to my room. Thanks!" I quickly went to my room to continue watching.

After a good 20 minutes my food finally arrived. Benefits of being the president's daughter. The personel left and I continued with my marathon.

I finished my Walking Dead marathon around 5 in the afternoon. That means I've been inside my room for almost 7 hours straight. Well except for food breaks but other than that I never left my room. I went outside my room to go around the place. I was just so bored. I was skipping around the whole place saying Hi to almost everyone I saw or passed by. Even saw my mom and dad talking and I shouted Hi at them. They were startled but I just kept on going around.

I looked at the time and dinner was about to be served. I walked briskly on my way to the dining room. I was the first one to arrive and I just sat there waiting for my parents to come. I took my phone out to check if I had any messages or calls. Then I got a call from Rachel and immediately answered it.

"Hey! I'm going to a party tonight, I was wondering if you wanna come with me and btw the guy you were with at the last party was hot!" Rachel said.

"No thanks. I just wanna stay here. Enjoy the party though." I answered.

"Suit yourself. See you soon!" Rachel said then hunged-up.

After a few minutes of my phone call with Rachel my parents finally arrived and we started eating. I was happy cause the food served to us was 50% fruits and vegetables. I started eating like a person who didn't ate for a week. I just kept on swallowing until I was full. My parents looked at me weirdly but I didn't care. I was about to stand up when my dad told me to sit first.

"I'm just gonna say that I invited a family friend here and they will visit in 2 days."

I just sighed and left the room. I really didn't care who dad invites at the house. I'm used to having different people here every single day. I just say Hi to them and then leave them alone and besides dad has tons of friends political and business wise so I really didn't know who he was talking about. I went back to my room and continued looking through my phone. I looked at my twitter and my notifications was blowing up like seriously and all I could see was 'Nash followed you! Congrats.' and all I could think was 'who followed me?' And then I received a tweet from that Nash guy.

"Nashgrier: Hey. Remember me?" I was confused who that guy was, like remember me? What? Was he the bartender? So I went to his profile and he had like millions of followers and is also verified so he might not be the bartender. I was so curious that I stalked this guy. It feels like I've seen him on TV a couple of times. His face and name is also familiar to me but I'm having a hard time remembering. As I did my research he was a viner. I'm familiar with vine but I don't watch much of it. I was busy with other things that's why I haven't been updated much on social media.

I noticed that my number of followers on twitter increased like a lot and everyone was tweeting me. Who is this guy. When I looked at my notifications it was like, 'Are you guys dating?' or 'Do you know Nash?' or 'Have you seen each other before.' I chose to be silent but it got out of hand so I tweeted. "Guys, stop it. We are not dating okay, I barely even know the guy."

After a few minutes the situation finally calmed down and I noticed that 'Nash' whatever his name is, deleted the tweet. But seriously I really don't know him. After that crazy situation I decided to go to sleep since I wasn't doing anything and I was tired. I hope my twitter doesn't blow up again.


2nd chapter! Yay! I hope you guys like it already. Read and vote. xoxo

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