Starving, Lies

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Eyes wide open
Did he just say that
Choking back sobs
How did this go wrong
Holding back tears
Never in all of these years

But he loves you
I hear that quite often
He loves you
If he did he wouldn't have
Destroyed this family and this home
So don't feed me lies

Feeling scared and unprepared
For the words coming out of his mouth
Please don't say it
Oh,  he said it
What am I supposed to do now

Say I'm sorry
Hide in my room
Try to disappear
Try try to fight back

But he loves you
I hear that quite often
He loves you
If he did he wouldn't have
Destroyed this family and this home
So don't feed me lies

Don't feed me lies
I am not hungry
I will starve myself
Before consuming this false info
So don't feed me your lies

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